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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *jēĺ (~ʔ-, x-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fish spear
Ket: ɛ:ĺ4 (Bak.), pl. ɛĺn5; South. ɛĺ4, pl. ɛĺiń5
Yug: ɛ:h4, pl. ɛĺǝŋ5, ɛĺiŋɨn5
Comments: ССЕ 232. Werner 1, 230 <*eʔǝl / *egǝl / *eʔǝlǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *jǝ̄pe
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: leaf
Ket: ʌ:, pl. ʌ:ŋ
Yug: ʌ:hp, pl. ʌfɨŋ5
Kottish: d́ipi, g. d́ipī, pl. d́ipaŋ, (Бол.) iban; Ass. jipán (М., Сл., Кл.), gipan (Кл.)
Arin: ipóŋ (М., Сл., Кл.), ipin (Лоск.)
Pumpokol: xógon-dɨ́pun (Сл.)
Comments: ССЕ 232-233. Pump. efig (Кл.) 'leaf', (Срсл.) 'leaves' is in all probability the Yug plural form. Let us note that Ar. ipóŋ also means "money": it is not quite clear what to do with Pump. úppɨŋ (Сл., Срсл.) "silver" - consider an Arin borrowing? Werner 2, 416 <*d'ʌʔǝphǝ / *ʔʌʔǝphǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *jiĺ- (~x-, ʔ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gills
Yug: iĺej6, pl. iĺejǝŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 233. Werner 1, 360.
Proto-Yenisseian: *jog- (~-k-)
Meaning: nit
Ket: ʌɣɨn-ɔk
Yug: etiŋ-ʌ̄k
Kottish: d́oga
Comments: ССЕ 233. Ket has a compound with *ʔǝ̄ke 'louse' (q.v.) as the first component; the 1st component in Yug is unclear. Werner 2, 415.
Proto-Yenisseian: *juĺ- (~ ʔ-,x-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: whirlwind, wind
Ket: uĺgit5, pl. uĺgerǝŋ5, Б,С uĺgitǝŋ5 "whirlwind"; uĺ-bej5,6 / uĺ-vej5 "whirlwind; soul, shadow" (lit. "whirlwind"+"wind")
Yug: uĺgit5 "whirlwind"; uĺbej5 "whirlwind; soul, shadow"
Comments: ССЕ 233. -git is a widespread nominal suffix. Werner 2, 336, 339.
Proto-Yenisseian: *[j]ūk-
Meaning: Yug (a Sym Ket)
Ket: juɣ4 (South.), pl. jūɣeń1
Yug: d́u:hk, pl. d́ugn5
Comments: ССЕ 233. The initial correspondence is irregular - as if the Yugs had borrowed their own name from an unattested Kottish form (?). See Werner 1, 398 <*juʔk / *d'uʔk>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *jūta
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mouse
Ket: ut4 (South.), Kur. u:ti4, Bak., Sur. u:tǝ4 / utǝ4; pl. ūtn1
Yug: u:ht, pl. utn1
Kottish: d́ūta, g. d́ūtā, pl. d́ūtn; Ass. juda (Бол., М., Кл., Сл.), d́uta (Кл.)
Pumpokol: úte (Сл., Кл.)
Comments: ССЕ 233-234. Werner 2, 367 <*uʔǝtǝ / *d'uʔǝtǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *jVʔra
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a small insect, worm
Ket: ɔlǝŋgǝs5, pl. -n 'spider'
Yug: ɔʔl // ɔllǝ5, pl. ɔlɨn5 'worm, small insect'
Kottish: d́era, pl. d́etn, d́erán "Eidechse"; d́ira, g. d́irā, d́irei, pl. d́itn id.
Comments: ССЕ 197. Werner 2, 48 (without the Kott. form). Kott. d́era / d́ira was compared in КС 215 with Ket. tuĺn 'lizard', but this was phonetically irregular (one had to suppose a variation *c- / *ʒ-, otherwise unattested). Werner seems unsure about the attribution of d́era: in 1, 286 he still compares it with tuĺn (see *tulVn); in 1, 415 he proposes to compare it with Ket ʌʔĺ 'frog' - not abandoning, however, the comparison of ʌʔĺ with Arin kere 'frog', proposed in ССЕ 295, and thus has to reconstruct an uncomprehensible variation <*ǝʔʎ / *(k)ǝʎǝ / *(d')ǝʎǝ>. There remains, however, a possibility to compare Kott. d́era / d́ira 'lizard' with Ket. ɔʔl 'worm': except for a not quite clear vowel correspondence the etymology seems quite plausible.
Proto-Yenisseian: *ka- / *kǝ-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: demonstrative stem
Ket: kańiĺ ( < kańi:ĺ3) "thence"; kańīŋǝ1 / kańiŋǝ6 "(towards) there"; South. kaśɛŋ, North. kaśáŋ ( < kaśa:ŋ3) "there"; kʌʔ "in that direction, towards that side"
Yug: kā-t "that", ka-da6 "that (f.)"; kań "there"; kańъ:r "thence"; kańɛ:hš́ "(towards) there"; kʌʔ "in that direction, towards that side"
Kottish: hatuŋ "(towards) there"; hātola "look there!"
Arin: xa-tu (Кл.) "he"
Comments: ССЕ 234. Cf. also PY *ki-. Werner 1, 417. Note that the Ket (but not Yug, and not Ket kʌʔ) forms with ka- are corrected to qa- in Werner 2, 80. If this is correct, another stem, *qa- should be also reconstructed, and Kott. ha- and Ar. xa- can in fact go back to both PY roots.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kaʔŋ (~g-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hole
Ket: kaʔŋ, pl. kaŋen5
Yug: kaʔŋ, pl. kaŋɨn5
Pumpokol: kan (Срсл.) [Yug?]
Comments: ССЕ 234. Werner 1, 417.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kaʔt (~g-,-c)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: old (attr.)
Ket: kaʔt, pl. kateŋ5
Yug: kaʔt, pl. kateŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 234. Werner 1, 415.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kače (~g-)
Meaning: a musical instrument
Ket: kātǝ1, South. kāt; pl. kātǝŋ1 / katǝŋ6
Yug: kāči1
Comments: ССЕ 234. Werner 1, 418.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kam(a) ( ~ q-, h-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: vessel, dish
Kottish: ham, pl. hāmaŋ, Ass. (Kl.) hama
Comments: Werner 1, 298 *qam(ǝ).
Proto-Yenisseian: *kan- (/*kam-)
Meaning: low, below
Kottish: hāna "down", hānal "below"; Ass. (Бол.) ganala "below", hánala (Кл.) "low"
Arin: xámartu (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "low"; (Лоск.) xamartu "below"
Comments: ССЕ 234. Werner 1, 299.
Proto-Yenisseian: *Kaŋ
Meaning: river (Kan)
Kottish: kaŋ (M.); Ass. (М.) kaŋ; Kam. (М.) xáŋen-bɨ
Arin: xaŋ (M.)
Comments: ССЕ 243. Werner 1, 409 (without reconstruction).
Proto-Yenisseian: *kap- ( ~ *g-)
Meaning: to weave, plait
Yug: kāp
Comments: Werner 1, 417 *kaphǝ.
Proto-Yenisseian: *Kar
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mountain
Arin: kar (М, Срсл)
Comments: Werner 2, 411, 412 (w.r.).
Proto-Yenisseian: *kas- (~g-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to take
Ket: kɔ:śi4 (Kur.), Bak., Sur. kɔ:śǝ4 // kɔśǝ4, South. kɔś4 [but Werner 1, 413: kaś-]
Yug: kasɛsaŋ6 "in order to take"
Pumpokol: kasna "take" (Срсл) [Yug?]
Comments: The Pump. form (Срсл) is most probably Yug. In ССЕ 234-235 I have explained the irregular correspondence between Ket and Yug by a contamination of *kas- and *qōs- q.v. Werner 1, 413, however, corrects the Ket forms like kɔ̄:si to qɔ:śi and adds distinct Ket forms like kaśaś 'nehmen (kaufen)', thus clarifying the situation and allowing to avoid a contamination hypothesis. See *qōs-.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kas- (~g-)
Meaning: bladder
Ket: kaśpuĺ5, pl. kaśpuĺǝŋ6
Comments: The second part of the compound is PY *pǝʔŕ 'bladder' q.v. (not bul 'foot', as suggested in Werner 1, 414!). The first part is identified by Werner (ibid.) with kes 'burbot'.
Proto-Yenisseian: *kasej (~χ-,-č-)
Meaning: nest (on earth)
Ket: haĺčej5 (South.)
Yug: fārsej1
Kottish: hačej, pl. hačejaŋ 'nest (of birds, sables or small animals'; (Бол.) gačaj "nest"
Arin: išila-kejči (Лоск.) 'nest' (išila 'bird')
Comments: ССЕ 235. Arin has also an irregular variant (or a different root?) kintej 'nest or hole in the ground'. Quite enigmatic are the Ket-Yug forms reflecting an initial *p-: it is either a Kottish loanword (?), or a compound of the expected *kasej (*qasej) with an unclear first component par-, and with a consequent contraction. Werner lists all the above forms in different places (1, 290, 295, 298, 390, 426), apparently with the same analysis (1, 298).
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