Comments: The Limbu wrestling technique consists of attempting to throw one's opponent to the ground whilst both parties maintain a mutual embrace about each other's neck and shoulders. The victor ends up lying on top, vide thammaʔ;hɛndzaʔmɛ-dzuN-ɛ (child nsAS-fight-PT) The children wrestled; a-dzuN-si-ʔi:aʔho:ʔa-mphu-e:ʔ (1-wrestle-dPS-Q oh my my-elder brother-VOC) Oh my [expressing mock fear], are we going to wrestle, big brother?.
Comments:aNgaiNuN,khɛnɛʔkɛhuNwi:? I'll buy it, will you pay for it?
Entry:luNmaʔ, -luks-/-luN-
Derivation:[dir. < lukmaʔ be completed]
Comments:ya:mbɔkɛnlɔkluks-u-N (work today only complete-3P-lsA) I shall only be able to complete the work today (i.e. I have not gotten around to completing it before today); pa:n luksuN I have said what I have to say; nisa:mhimpe:k-maʔluks-u-N (school go-INF complete-3P-1sA) I have finished going to school, I don't go to school anymore.
Entry:muNmaʔ, -muks-/-muN-
Meaning:sound, strum, strike, play (a musical instrument, bell, drum).
Derivation:[caus. < mukmaʔ sound]
Entry:-niNsaN puNmaʔ, -puks-/-puN-
Grammar:n. + vt.
Meaning:disappoint someone
Derivation:[caus. < niNsaN pukmaʔ be crestfallen]
Comments:ku-ndzum-leku-niNsaNpuks-ubi:r-u (his-friend-ERG his-mood disappoint-3P give-3P) His friend let him down.
Comments:nuthuNsu She's breastfeeding; se:dzɔNwakɛdhuNswi:? Did you give him millet brandy to drink?.
Entry:uNmaʔ, -uks-/-uN-
Meaning:1) pick, pluck, pull, drag; 2) sɔkma uNmaʔ inhale; 3) the: uNmaʔ produce the: from bamboo (pha)
Derivation:[caus. < ukmaʔ scrape]
Comments: 2) sɔkmauksuN I inhale; mikho:ʔkɛʔuksuwi:? Are you taking in smoke (said to a person coughing by the fire) 3) the:uNmaʔpo:N The bamboo must be split to produce the:; cf. khɛʔmaʔ.
Entry:yuNmaʔ, -yuks-/-yuN-
Meaning:1) place, put, set, set aside; 2) as aspectivizer: 'to hold' or 'to keep'
Derivation:[caus. < yuNmaʔ sit]
Comments:1) suʔwa kɔʔo: nɛ:sɛʔ! Put [your] bag down here!; niNwaʔo:yuNmaʔ vide -niNwaʔo:yuNmaʔ 2)\x kɛhukʔo:tɛmsɛʔyuksɛʔ! Catch [this] in your hand and hold it!; kɛhukʔo:puttɛʔyuksɛʔ! Grab it and hold it firmly!