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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: "albh" | Query method: Match substring
Total of 3 records
Proto-IE: *albh- <PIH *a->
Meaning: white
Hittite: alpa- 'Wolke' (Tischler 18)
Old Greek: alphó-s m. `weisser Auschlag, lepra' { alphoús `белый' Hsch. - nowhere found!}
Germanic: *alb=, *alft=
Latin: albus, -a `(matt)weiss, weissglänzend'
Other Italic: Umbr alfu `alba'; Osk Alafaternum `Alafaternorum', Pael Alafis
Russ. meaning: белый
References: WP I 92 f, Buck 43.
Proto-IE: *Albhe(n)d-, *bhAle(n)d-
Meaning: swan
Slavic: *elbedь, *elbę̄dь, *olbǭdь
Baltic: *balan̂d-ia- c.
Germanic: *albut-, *albut-i-, *albit-i- c., *albit-jōn- f., *albit-ō f.
Russ. meaning: птица (лебедь / голубь)
References: WP I 92 f
Proto-IE: *albhi-t-
Meaning: barley
Other Iranian: East Iranian *arbasyā- (or *arpasyā) (Стеблин-Каменский 1972, 23)
Old Greek: álphi, pl. -ita `Gerstengraupen, -mehl', álphito-n n. `id.'; alíphata = álphita ḕ áleura Hsch.
Albanian: eĺb, eĺbi m. `barley', elpth m. `eye-sty' (cf. Slav. `ячмень (на глазу)')
Russ. meaning: растение (злак - ячмень)
References: WP I 92
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