Пратюркский: *bögse(k) < *bös-ge(k)
Англ. значение: a part of human or animal trunk
Значение: часть туловища
Древнетюркский: bögsig 'some part of body (belly?)' (OUygh.)
Караханидский: bökseg 'woman's breast; upper part of chest' (MK) Татарский: büksɛ 'belly; bird crop'
Среднетюркский: bökse 'the part of a human or animal body above the waist' (Abush., Sangl.) Узбекский: bụksa 'side part of the body below the breast and down to the hip; (dial.) lower part of body'
Чувашский: pǝʷźexe 'crop'
Якутский: böskö-j- 'to appear abdominous'
Тувинский: böskek 'bird's breast'
Тофаларский: böksek 'bird's breast'
Киргизский: böksö 'side of body; foot-hill'
Башкирский: bükɵä 'short person (abusive)'
Балкарский: böksün 'half of animal carcass'
Комментарии: EDT 329, VEWT 84, 83, ЭСТЯ 2, 213-214, Лексика 278. Forms without -k meaning 'buttock' or 'lower part of body' are most probably borrowed < Mong. *bögse, having quite different origin (see under *pi̯oko) - although some contaminations were not excluded. turcet-prnum,turcet-meaning,turcet-rusmean,turcet-atu,turcet-krh,turcet-tat,turcet-chg,turcet-uzb,turcet-chv,turcet-jak,turcet-tuv,turcet-tof,turcet-krg,turcet-bas,turcet-blkx,turcet-reference,