Праформа: *=ič̣:- /*ħi(r)č̣:-
Значение: 1 to stand 2 to stand up
Аварский: č̣:e- 1
Чадаколоб: c̣(Vl)- 1
Андийский: =ič̣:- 2
Ахвахский: herč̣:- (Tseg.)2
Чамалинский: =iṣ- 1
Тиндинский: heč:- 2
Каратинский: herč̣:- 2
Годоберинский: hič:- 2
Комментарии: PA has variants *=ič̣:- 'to stand' (reflected in Cham. =iṣ-) and *ħi(r)č̣:- 'to stand up' (reflected elsewhere, cf. also Kar. Anch. heč̣:-, God. Zib. hirč:-, Cham. heṣ-, Gig. hinc̣- - with -n- under influence of hinz- 'to rise'), where *ħ- is possibly a preverb. The Av. form č̣:e- reflects an old Ablaut variant with dropping of initial vowel.