PAT *mAra; PAK *t:ǝʁá; Ub. def. á-ndʁa. PAT and Ub. show traces of a nasal prefix (cf. 'fire' etc.). In PAT *mArAʕa would be expected: we may suppose that the final *-ʕa was reinterpreted as the beginning of the following verb in frequent phrases like Abaz. amara ʕac̣c̣iṭ 'sun goes up', maraʕačḳarǝc̣ra 'sunrise', maraʕašǝrta 'blazing sun' etc. Other ways of relating AT forms to AK (see Шагиров 1, 153 with literature) are probably faulty.
The relationship of PAK *t:ǝʁá 'sun' and *t:ǝʁʷá-sa 'yesterday' (Ad. tǝʁʷās, Kab. dǝʁʷāsa) may be considered, but still remains questionable (see the discussion in Shagirov 1, 154, Abdokov 1983, 100-101).