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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *qwä̆nV
MEANING: woman
NAKH: *qin
CEZ: *ʁinV (~ʁ:-)
LAK: qami
LEZG: *χon-p:V
KHIN: χin-
ABAD: *pǝχ́ʷA
COMMENT: One of several common NC roots meaning 'woman, female'. Its specific usage in Lak. (where qami is phonetically a development < *qan-bi with the old plural suffix) and PL suggests that it may have been a collective noun 'women', at least, in PEC.

    In PWC *p(ǝ)- is a frequent nominal prefix. We should note also some phonetic irregularities: Khin. χ- instead of expected q- (probably under influence of Az. χanɨm 'lady' /which has nothing to do with the root in question/ or related Lezghian forms; direct borrowing from Kryz or Az. is rather improbable in this case); PL *χon-p:V instead of expected *χʷen-p:V - probably, an early reduction in a polysyllabic pluralis tantum. Otherwise the correspondences are regular, and the reconstruction seems rather secure.


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