Cf. also HU *we- (Hurr. erg. we-š, gen. we-we; not attested in Ur.). The same stem is used as a pronominal enclytic (Hurr., Ur. -w) and as a verbal ending of the 2-d pers. sing. (Hurr. -ū/-ō, Ur. -au). The PN form is somewhat problematical: it is the 1-st p. pl. inclusive pronoun, and may belong here if this meaning is secondarily developped from "thou"(+"I").
The direct stem is easily reconstructed as *uō or *uō-n (cf. *zō, *zō-n for the 1-st pers.), with nasal assimilation in PA (*mi-n < *wi-n) and PC (*mǝ < *wǝ-n). One of the oblique stems (most probably genitive) was also formed from this root (cf. HU *we-/*-Vw, Lak. wi- /in Lak. the direct stem was replaced by another stem, ina, and only the original oblique stem was preserved/, PL *-iu, Khin. wi < PEC *ʔiuV- (or *ʔeuV- ). However, for other cases suppletive forms were used (*ʁwV̄- / *ʔŏʁwV- and *du- q.v.); PL *wa- and Khin. erg. wa are probably innovations (by analogy with *za- in the 1-st person). See Trubetzkoy 1930, 273; Абдоков 1983, 140.