Proto-Kui-Kuwi : *āḍ-
Meaning : to be able
Kui : āḍa (āḍi-) "to be suitable, fitting, proper, convenient, excellent, good, handsome; to suit, fit, agree"
Kuwi (Fitzgerald) : aṛdali
Kuwi (Schulze) : āḍ-
Sunkarametta Kuwi : ā̆ḍ- (-it-)
Kuwi (Israel) : āḍ- (-it-)
Additional forms : Also Kui āṭka (āṭki-) pl. action
Notes : The variant found with a short vowel in Kuwi_Su seems to stand isolated against the corresponding data of both Kui and other Kuwi dialects. However, external data indicates that it is this variant that is most archaic. In Kuwi_F we should expect *ādali or, at least, *addali, but instead find a mysterious -rd-.
Number in DED : 78