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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(a)sparag-, *(a)sprāg- (-ph-)
Meaning: sprout
Old Indian: sphūrja-, sphū́rjaka- m. `a k. of plant (Diospyros Embryopteris, Strychnos etc. (L.)'
Avestan: sparǝɣa- '"Spross" von den Widerhaken unterhalb der Pfeilspitze', fra-sparǝɣa- `Schössling, Zweig'
Old Greek: aspárago-s, asphárago-s m. `junger Trieb; Spargel'
Baltic: *spur̂g-a- c., *spur̂g-ā̂ (1) f.; *sprā̂g-ā̂ (1) f.
Germanic: *sprak-ja- n., *sprak-ul-ō(n-) f., *spruk-a-, *spruk-al=
Russ. meaning: побег
References: WP II 672 f

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