Proto-IE: *dhū- (PIH *dhuH-)
Meaning: to blow, to storm
Hittite: tuhhai- (I) 'kreissen, Geburtswehen haben', tuhhima- c. 'Kreissen, Geburtswehen' (Friedrich 226)
Old Indian: dhūnóti, dhunoti, dhuvati, pf. dudhāva, pass. dhūyáte, ptc. dhūna-, dhūtá- `to shake, agitate'; dhūni- f. `shaking, agitation', dhavítra- n. `fan'
Other Iranian: NPers dūd `Rauch'
Armenian: dedevim `schwanke, schaukle'
Old Greek: thǖ́ō, ep. thǘi̯ō, ep. thǖ́nō, thǖnéō, aor. éthǖsa `einherstürmen, brausen, stürmen, toben'; thǖmó-s m. `Geist, Mut, Zorn, Sinn', thǖmái̯nō `zürnen'; thüáō `in Brust sein (von Schweinen)', thǘella f. `Sturmwind'; thǖ̂no-s = pólemos, hormḗ, drómos Hsch.
Celtic: *dūli- > MIr dūil `Wunsch, Begehr';
Russ. meaning: дуть, бушевать, шатать etc.
Comments: The same root is in *dhwes- #1934. The relationship with *dhū- (in *dhūmo-s 'smoke'), etc. is not obvious, see a comment there.