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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(s)teig-
Meaning: to be sharp; to stab
Old Indian: téjate, ptc. tiktá- `to be or become sharp'; tigmá- `sharp, pointed', téjas- n. `sharp edge, point, top; brilliance, clearness', téjana- n. `sharpening, whetting; shaft of an arrow'
Avestan: taēɣa-, taēža- `scharf', m. `Schärfe', tiɣra- `spitz', tiži- (in Zs) `spitz', tiɣri- `Pfeil'
Other Iranian: OPers tigra- `spitz'; NPers tēɣ `Spitze, Schwert', tēz `scharf', tēǯ `Pfeil'
Old Greek: stízdō, aor. stíksai̯, ps. stikhthē̂nai̯, pf. ps. éstigmai̯, va. stiktó- `stechen, tätowieren, brandmarken', stígma n. `Stich, Malzeichen, Brandmarke', stigmǟ́ f. `Mal, Fleck, Pünktchen, Kleinigkeit', stigmó-s m. `Stich, Brandmarke', stíksi-s f. `das Stechen', stígōn, -ōnos m. `Gebrandmerker', stígo-s m., -n n. `Punkt', stíktǟ-s m. `Stecher, Brandmarker'
Baltic: *stig- (*steĩg-a-) vb. intr., *stī̂g- vb. intr.; *steĩg- (-ja-) vb. tr., *staig-ā̂ f., *staĩg-u-, *staĩg-n-[a]- adj., *staĩg-in̂- vb.
Germanic: *stik-i- c., *stak-i- c., *stik-a- vb., *stak-l=, *stai-k-ia- vb., etc.
Latin: īnstīgāre `anstacheln; anspornen, anreizen, aufhetzen'; īnstinguō, -ere, -xī, -ctum `anreizen', īnstīnctus, -ūs m. `Antrieb, Eingebung', interstinguō, -ere, -xī, -ctum `hin und wieder mit etwas besetzen', distinguō, -ere, -xī, -ctum `unterscheiden, trennen'
Russ. meaning: быть острым; вонзать острие
References: WP II 612 f
Comments: Germanic has hopelessly confused the roots *stek- and *stīk-. In Baltic it is almost as hopeless to search for traces of a distinction between *steigh- 'to tread' and *steig- 'to stab, pierce'.

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