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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *awǝ-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to long for, to wish
Old Indian: ávati `to favour, satisfy', ptc. ūta-; ávas- n. `favour, protection, avitár- `favourer, protector', ūtí- f. `help, protection'; óman- `helping, useful', omán- m. `help, favour', óman- m. `friend, helper'
Avestan: avaiti- `sorgt, hilft', avah- n. `Hilfe'; aoman- `helfend, beistehend'
Armenian: aviun `libido'
Old Greek: en-ǟḗs, gen. en-ǟéos, acc. -éa, pl. -ǟ̂es, -ées `mild, sanft, wohlwollend'; aítǟ-s m., aîti-s f. `Geliebter(in)'
Baltic: *aû-s- vb., *aû-s-ē̂-, -ī̂- vb. (1?)
Germanic: *au-ɵ-ia- adj.
Latin: aveō, -ēre `begierig sein, heftiges Verlangen tragen', avidus, -a `Begierig', audeō, -ēre, ausus sum `Lust haben, aufgelegt, wage sein'
Celtic: *awel- > Cymr ewyll, ewyllys `voluntas', Corn awell, awel `Verlangen'
Russ. meaning: стремиться, желать
References: WP I 17 f; WH
Comments: [Rather difficult to distinguish from *āw- `note, listen']

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