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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *kʷi-, *kʷe-, *kʷo-, *kʷu-
Meaning: pron. interrog.
Hittite: kwi-s, kwi-t 'wer, was' (Tischler 611 ff)
Tokharian: B kā `why'; A kus, B kŭse 'who' (Adams 149, 186 f)
Old Indian: ka-s, f. kā 'who?'; pron. indef.; kim 'what?', náki-ḥ 'noone', cit (cid) `generalization particle'
Avestan: kō, gath. gen. kahyā, čahyā, f. kā 'wer? welcher?', kā 'wie?'; čit_ Verallgemeinerungspartikel; čiš 'wer', cī 'wie'
Other Iranian: OPers čiy Verallgemeinerungspartikel
Armenian: in-č 'etwas'
Old Greek: *kʷi-s, *kʷi(-t); *kʷó-then, *kʷôi̯ etc.; Argiv tístis
Slavic: *kъ-to, *čь-to, *kъ, *kā
Baltic: *ka-
Germanic: { *xwa-s 'wer', etc.; Got hʷilīks, OE hwilc 'wie bescgaffen', OE hwī, hwiu, OIsl hvī 'wie, wozu, warum', usw. }
Latin: quī, quae, quod; quis, quid, usw.; quisquis
Other Italic: Osk púí, paí, púd; Osk pis, píd 'quis, quid', Umbr sve-pi-s 'si quiis', pis-i 'quis, quisquis'; Osk pispis
Celtic: { Ir cia (< *kʷei), OIr ; OInd cid 'was? }
Albanian: kɛ 'wen?', se 'was?'
Russ. meaning: вопрос. мест.
References: WP I 521 f

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