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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *mVxlV ( ~ *mVlxV)
Meaning: lizard, slug
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *mlk-, -g-
Altaic: ? *mi̯olk`o 'creep, slide'
Kartvelian: *mxul-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *mǝl
Comments: Cf. also CK *mǝl 'louse', PIE *mol(w) 'moth'.
References: ND 1411a *melVɣ/χV 'lizard, small reptile', 1417a *mAlaŋkV 'eel, worm, snake' (traces of this root may have been preserved in Mong. - melekei, Drav. - *malaŋ-, and Jap. - munagi - but mixed up with reflexes of different roots); 2580 *χUḷV 'lizard, snake' (same Kartv. + var. SH + dub. Alt. and Drav.).

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