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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *l[a]pV
Meaning: to lick
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *lap-, *lab- (cf. also *labh-); + *leb- / *lab- 'lip' 2309
Altaic: *lebV
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *lovъ-
References: МССНЯ 347, 371, ОСНЯ 2, 29. Cf. 118. ND 1255 *LabV 'to grasp, get, obtain' (IE *labh- + TM *labada- + SH?); 1313 *LaʔpV 'to gulp, eat greedily', 1321 *L[a]p(H)V 'to lick' [but 2800 *ʒ̂a[p]V 'lip, shore' hardly exists].

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