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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1986
Proto-Semitic: *daym(-ūm)- ~ *damdam- ~ *ʔadam(-at)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'all (inhabited, arable) land, earth, area'
Akkadian: (OB on) dadmū pl. tant. 'the inhabited world (settlements and inhabitants)' [CAD d 18]; 'Ortschaften, Wohnstätten' [AHw 149] (<*damdam-); cf. dimatu 'tower'
Ugaritic: dm-t 'borough'; (?) udm NL 'ciudad mítica del rey pbl' DLU, 9
Phoenician: (Punic) ʔdmt 'terra, país' [Estañol 60]
Hebrew: ʔădāmā 'earth, arable ground with water and plants' [KB 15]; also ʔādām 'ground', ʕēn ʔ. 'surface of the earth' [ibid. 14-15] (in: Zech 9:1, Jr 32:20, etc.)
Judaic Aramaic: ʔadamtā 'earth' [Ja 17]
Syrian Aramaic: ʔadamtā 'terra; pulvis; amylum' [Brock 6]
Arabic: daymūm-, daymūmat- 'vaste déserte sans eau' [BK 1 729]; ʔadīm- 'terre; tout l'espace du ciel et de la terre que l'oeil peut embrasser' [BK 1 19], ʔīdāmat- 'sol dur, sans pierres ni cailloux; surface de la terre' [ibid. 20]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʔadyām 'area, region, outskirts, environs borders, limits, bordering cities, confines, district, province' [LGz 146]
Notes: Other Ethio-Semitic forms like Amharic awdǝmma, wǝdma, Argobba wǝdǝmma 'threshing field, deserted place' [LHar 19], Harari udma 'forest, uncultivated field', Selti Wolane wǝdmä 'plain, field, meadow, open space, uncultivated field, threshing field' [LGur 643], Endegeñ udumä, Goggot wǝdǝmma/ä do. [ibid.] are all likely Cushitisms. Akk. (Old Babylonian) adamātu (adumātu) pl. tantum 'dark red earth (used as a dye)' [CAD a1 94] (possibly derived from or contaminated with *ʔdm 'to be red').

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