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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2383
Proto-Semitic: *gawzal-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: brood
Hebrew: gōzāl 'turtledove; young eagle' [KB 182], pB. 'brood, chick, esp. pigeon' [Ja. 220]. // The meaing 'young pigeon', prominent in post-Biblical Hebrew, is clear in Gn 15.9 where g. (together with tōr 'turtle-dove') is mentioned as a sacrificial animal. The meaning 'young eagle' is attested in Dt 32.11: kǝnäšär yāʕīr ḳinnō // ʕal-gōzālāw yǝraḥēp 'like an eagle watching his nest // hovering over his youngs').
Judaic Aramaic: gōzālā 'brood, chick, esp. pigeon' [Ja. 220], gōzāl 'young bird' [ibid. 122], [Levy WTM I 318].
Syrian Aramaic: zūgallā 'pullus columbinus' [Brock. 188], [PS 1081] (metathesis).
Arabic: ǯawzal- 'petit (de pigeon, ou d'un autre oiseau de l'espèce)' [BK 1 290], [LA XI 110].
Notes: Note Amh. gǝz(z)al 'bird of prey which breaks open the long bones for their marrow by // dropping them on rocks from a height' [K 2029]. // [DRS 107], [KB 182], [Firmage 1154]: Hbr., Arm., Arb.

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