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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 31
Proto-Semitic: *kann-at- 1 ~ *kinatt- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'daughter/sister-in-law' 1, 'menial' 2, (?) 'concubine' 3
Akkadian: kinattu 'menial, person of servile status attached to a household, doing agricultural and other work under supervision; person of equal social status, comrade, colleague' , from OB on (CAD k, 381; AHw, 479); kinītu 'eine Nebenfrau?' (concubine) SB (AHw, 480, not in CAD) (=qinītu 'concubine, second-rating wife' LL (CAD q, 254)
Hebrew: *kǝnāt 'Gefährte' (KB deutsch, 463)
Aramaic: Off. knt 'companion, colleage' (HJ, 520-1)
Biblical Aramaic: *kǝnāt 'Kollege' (KB deutsch, 1725)
Judaic Aramaic: knt 'colleage' (Sokoloff, 264; < Akk)
Syrian Aramaic: kǝnāt- 'collega, socius; socia' (Brock., 334; < Akk.)
Arabic: kann-at- 'belle-fille, femme du fils; belle-soeur, femme du frère' (BK 2, 932)
Tigre: kǝnto 'title for girls with the Mänsa' (LH, 416)
Notes: Considered an Akkadism in Aram.

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