Number: 60
Proto-Semitic: *ba/uday-
Meaning: shoulder; body member (arm?)
Akkadian: būdu 'shoulder, region between the shoulders including the neck (of humans and animals)' OB on [CAD b 303], [AHw 136]
Eblaitic: bù-tum 'shoulder' [Krebernik 1983 36]
Arabic: badan 'membre du corps (chez l'homme)' [BK 1 99]. Cf. bādd- 'côté intérieur des cuisses, celui qui fait face à l'autre' [ibid. 93] (unless deverbal from bdd 'séparer, écarter les pieds' [ibid. 92])
Notes: Scarce attestation; meanings in AKK and ARB rather diverse. Not quite reliable.