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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 96
Proto-Semitic: *li/apiʔ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: fatty, fleshy tissue
Akkadian: lipû (lipiu, līpu, lēpu) 'adipose tissue, fat, tallow; marrow, pith' OB on [CAD l 202], [AHw 555]
Hebrew: PB liplūp (redupl.) 'glutinous substance, pus' [Ja 715].

    A plausible semantic shift from 'fat'

Arabic: lafiʔ-at- 'morceau de viande sans os' [BK 2 1009].

    Cf. laffāʔ- 'cuisse grasse, charnue' [ibid. 1008] synchronically to be analysed as an adjective of the "specific bodily features" pattern (faʕlāʔ-u) of lff 'avoir des cuisses fortes, grosses, charnues' [ibid. 1008]; historically, however, this term can be interpreted as a noun with *lfʔ radicals

Notes: Scarcely attested; meanings rather diverse.

    Cf. a likely related non-anatomic term in JUD liplūpā (redupl.) 'pulp, soft portion of cabbage' [Ja 715].

    Cf. also JUD lybh 'fat, butter' [Sok 281] (a variant root of the present one with b/p?).

    Note MND lupata 'an inner organ of the body?; joints, ligaments of the body?' [DM 234] (meaning uncertain)


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