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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *qhʷīj ( / *qhʷīn)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dog
Chinese: *khʷīn dog.
Tibetan: khji dog.
Burmese: khwijh dog, LB *khujx.
Kachin: gui2 dog (cf. also čǝ̆khjon1 a fox, wolf or wild dog).
Lushai: ui dog, KC *ɣui.
Kiranti: *khlè
Comments: Dimasa si; Kanauri kui; Moshang gui-hĕ; Namsangia hu; Vayu uri; Trung 3-gǝ1, PG *na-ki, Chepang kujʔ, Magari cyu. Simon 20; Sh. 42, 408, 428; Ben. 44; Mat. 179.

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