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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *ágà ( ~ e-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mouth, to open mouth
Russian meaning: рот, открывать рот
Turkic: *Agɨŕ
Mongolian: *ag-
Korean: *hà-
Japanese: *ákúp-
Comments: SKE 5, Martin 234, Колесникова 1972а, 77-78, АПиПЯЯ 80, 283 (confused with *ák`a), Лексика 225. Despite Poppe 95 Mong. aɣur 'steam, anger' hardly belongs here (see under *ap`i). The root should be distinguished from *ák`a, although they tend to be confused: thus, Mong. *ag 'crack' could quite possibly reflect *ák`a. Some phonetic comments: Mong. *aguji regularly < *aɣuji with velar fricative dissimilation; Korean has lost the first vowel in a long derivative (a rather frequent phenomenon).

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