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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ʁu
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Значение: thou (2d p. pr.)
Рутульский: ʁu (Shin.)
Цахурский: ʁu
Удинский: hu-n (Nidzh.)
Комментарий: This is a rare, but archaic pronominal stem, nearly completely superseded in most languages by PL *u_o(-n) q.v. The stem *ʁu(-n) is used as a direct stem in the Nidzh dialect of Udi, in several Rutul dialects (Shinaz, Khnov, Ikhrek) and in Tsakhur (interchanging with the normal wu < *u_o(-n)). Most important, however, is the regular use of this stem as genitive in Tsakhur: jɨʁ-na (1-2 class), jɨʁɨ-n (3 class) < PL *-oʁ(ʷ)-. Other languages have not preserved this usage, but it is very close to the situation in Khinalugh, and allows to reconstruct the stem *-oʁ(ʷ)- as the original oblique stem of this pronoun. See Aлексеев 1985, 72.

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