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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *-it:-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: thou (obl. base)
Арчинский: w-it
Комментарий: This archaic pronominal stem is preserved only in the Archi genitive wit (where w- is a class prefix, like in w-is (1st p. sing.), ulu ( < w-olo, 1st p. plur.), w-iš (2d p. plur.)). Note that the Ag. (Fit.) genitive wit has nothing to do with the Archi form: it contains the PL attributive morpheme *-t:V > -t, common to all pronouns (zi-t, xi-t, či-t, kü-t).

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