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Афразийская этимология :

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PROTO: *(ʔa-)na/if-
MEANING: breath, blowing
семитский: *ʔanp- (<*ʔa-nVp-) 'nose'
берберский: *-naf- 'fresh humid wind'
египетский: nf.t (OK) 'fan', nf (NK) 'breath; wind'
центральночадский: *nip/f- 'breathe' 1, 'life' 2
бедауйе (беджа): nifi 'to blow (wind)'
сахо-афар: *naf- 'breath, soul' 1, 'face' 2
равнинные восточнокушитские: *na/ēf- 'breath' 1, soul' 2, 'life' 3
омотские: *nap- 'blow, swell'
NOTES: Cf. EDE 126-7. Cf. HSED, 1828 *naf- 'breath' (Eg.; Saho 'breath' and Afar 'face', which is semantically doubtful; Som. 'breath, soul' and Oromo and Arbore 'body' which is very philosophical to relate with 'soul', though wrong, as 'soul' comes from 'breath' and it is hard to imagine the reconstructed term giving rise to 'breath' in some daughter languages and 'body', in others) and 1865 *nif- 'smell, breathe' (Sem. *nVpaḥ- supposedly "secondary formation based on *nap-", which is impossible to prove or disprove; Eg. nfy; CCh. *nif-, with *-f -prompted only by Eg. as both examples quoted have -p). Considering CCh. *-i-, Saho -a-, and Som. -a-/-ē (the other examples in both entries are irrelevant for semantical, and Eg., for phonetical reasons), there is not a least ground to reconstruct two roots.

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