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Modern (Beijing) reading: shì
Preclassic Old Chinese: tǝk
Classic Old Chinese: tǝk
Western Han Chinese: tǝk
Eastern Han Chinese: ćǝk
Early Postclassic Chinese: ćɨk
Middle Postclassic Chinese: ćɨk
Late Postclassic Chinese: ćɨk
Middle Chinese: śik
English meaning : to know
Russian meaning[s]: 1) знать; познавать; знание, познание; 2) познакомиться; знакомство с...; 3) распознавать; понимать; взгляд, мнение; понимание; [zhì] записывать, вм.
Comments: A case of early (dialectal) fricativization *t- > *ć- > *ś-. The more archaic initial is preserved in another reading of the character, *tǝk-s, MC ćɨ̀, Pek. zhì 'remember, record'.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 149
Four-angle index: 6750
Karlgren code: 0920 k

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