George Starostin: List of Publications
Russian version
Many - if not most - of these works are available for download in PDF form in the "Articles and Books" sections of the Tower of Babel official website.
A. In English
2008: From modern Khoisan languages to Proto-Khoisan: the value of intermediate reconstructions. // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 3, pp. 337-470. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2008: In Defense of the Comparative Method, or the end of the Vovin controversy (co-author: A. V. Dybo). // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 3, pp. 119-258. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2003: A Lexicostatistical approach towards reconstructing Proto-Khoisan. // Mother Tongue, issue VIII, pp. 81-128.
2003: An irregular verb paradigm in Ket. // In: Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF), v. 56, issue 1/2, pp. 117-122.
2002: On the genetic affiliation of the Elamite language. // Mother Tongue, issue VII, pp. 147-170.
2000: Dravidian roots with initial *j- and possible Indo-European cognates. // In: Problems of Long-Range Comparison Studies on the Verge of the 3rd Millennium (Abstracts and Presentations of the International Conference), pp. 219-221. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
1998: Alveolar consonants in Proto-Dravidian: One or More? // In: Proceedings of the International Conference on South Asian Languages (July 1-4, 1997), pp. 183-194. Moscow, Institute of Asia and Africa.
1997: On the reconstruction of velars in Proto-Dravidian. // In: Studia Linguarum, pp. 190-212. Moscow, RSUH Publishers.
B. In Russian
2007: Лабиальные кликсы в койсанских языках [Labial clicks in Khoisan languages]. // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 2, pp. 353-374. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2007: Еще раз к вопросу о личных местоимениях в дравидийских языках [Once more on personal pronouns in Dravidian languages]. // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 2, pp. 101-150. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2005: Некоторые аспекты исторического развития кликсов в койсанских языках [Some aspects of the historical development of clicks in Khoisan languages]. // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 1, pp. 281-300. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2005: Внешние соответствия начальных звонких смычных в дравидийских языках [External correspondences for initial voiced plosives in Dravidian languages]. // In: Aspects of Comparative Linguistics, v. 1, pp. 125-132. Moscow, RSUH publishers.
2003: Койсанские языки и сравнительно-историческое языкознание [Khoisan languages and historical-comparative linguistics]. // In: Сравнительно-историческое исследование языков: современное состояние и перспективы. Тезисы докладов [Comparative-historical research on languages: state of the art and prospects for the future. Abstracts], pp. 162-163. Moscow State University
1995: Морфология коттского глагола и реконструкция праенисейской глагольной системы [Morphology of the Kott verb and the reconstruction of the Proto-Yenisseian verbal system]. // In: Studia Ketica. Linguistics, pp. 122-175. Moscow, Languages of Russian Culture.
1995: Структура кетской глагольной словоформы [The structure of the Ket verbal form] (co-author: K. Yu. Reshetnikov). // In: Studia Ketica. Linguistics, pp. 7-121. Moscow, Languages of Russian Culture.
1995: Реконструкция праенисейской глагольной системы [Reconstruction of the Proto-Yeniseian verbal system]. // The Moscow Linguistic Journal, v. 1, pp. 129-173.