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NAME: Schulze 1982
AUTHOR: Schulze, W.
FULL: Die Sprachen der Uden in Nord-Azerbajdžan.
DATA: Wiesbaden.
LNG: Udi, Nidzh; Udi, Vartashen
CODE: lez-udn; lez-udv
DESCR: A descriptive grammar of Udi, covering both dialects.
NAME: Schulze 2001
AUTHOR: Schulze, W.
FULL: The Udi Gospels. Annotated text, etymological index, lemmatized concordance.
DATA: München/Newcastle: Lincom.
LNG: Udi, Vartashen
CODE: lez-udv
DESCR: Romanized and grammatically elaborated edition of Vartashen texts from [Bezhanov & Bezhanov 1902]. Contains a selective etymological glossary of Udi. The Romanized text of the Gospels is also available at http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/cauc/udi/nt/nt.htm [Accessed on 10.2010].
NAME: Seiler & Hioki 2006
AUTHOR: Seiler, Hansjakob; Hioki, Kojiro
FULL: Cahuilla Dictionary.
DATA: Banning, CA: Malki Museum Press.
LNG: Cahuilla
CODE: tak-cah
DESCR: A medium-sized dictionary of Cahuilla language (a reprint of the 1979 edition). Word classes are marked rather inconsistently, and sometimes not marked at all.
NAME: Shaterian 1983
AUTHOR: Shaterian, Alan William
FULL: Phonology and Dictionary of Yavapai. Ph.D. dissertation.
DATA: University of California, Berkeley.
LNG: Yavapai
CODE: yum-yav
DESCR: An extensive analysis of Yavapai phonology, accompanied by a large dictionary of the language.
NAME: Shaumyan 1941
AUTHOR: Шаумян, Р. М.
FULL: Грамматический очерк агульского языка с текстами и словарем [R. M. Shaumyan. A Grammar Sketch of Aghul with Texts and Dictionary].
DATA: Москва/Ленинград.
LNG: Aghul, Koshan
CODE: lez-agk
DESCR: A grammar sketch of the main Aghul dialects (mostly based on the Koshan dialect), supplemented by texts and a glossary. The following sigla are used in Shaumyan’s dictionary: "дул.", "тп.", "цир." = proper Aghul dialect (sub-dialects of the villages Duldug, Tpig, Tsirkhe respectively); "арс.", "бур.", "худ." = Koshan dialect (sub-dialects of the villages Arsug, Burshag, Khudig respectively); "гекх." = Gequn (Burkikhan) dialect; "фит." = Fite (Fit’e) dialect; "ус." = Keren dialect (sub-dialects of the village Usug).
NAME: Shee 2008
AUTHOR: Shee, Naw Hsar
FULL: A descriptive grammar of Geba Karen.
DATA: M.A. thesis. Payap University.
LNG: Karen, Geba
CODE: krn-geb
DESCR: A detailed grammatical description of the Geba Karen language, including examples of texts collected by the author and a list of basic words.
NAME: Shipley 1963
AUTHOR: Shipley, William F.
FULL: Maidu Texts and Dictionary (University of California publications in linguistics; v. 33).
DATA: Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
LNG: Maidu
CODE: mai-mai
DESCR: A medium-sized Maidu dictionary accompanied by a collection of texts with English translations. According to the author, «[t]he basic listings in the Maidu-English section are single morphs, morphophonemically written. Sublistings are phonemic.» [p. 85]. This means that we need to refer to the English-Maidu section for the underived words in phonemic transcription. Meanings given in the Maidu-English and in the English-Maidu sections do not always literally coincide.
NAME: Shipley 1964
AUTHOR: Shipley, William F.
FULL: Maidu Grammar (University of California publications in linguistics; v. 41).
DATA: Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
LNG: Maidu
CODE: mai-mai
DESCR: A descriptive grammar of the Maidu language.
NAME: Sibomana 1986
AUTHOR: Sibomana, Leo
FULL: An Outline of Nkem Language.
DATA: In: Afrika und Übersee, 69, pp. 251-292.
LNG: Nkem
CODE: eko-nkm
DESCR: A detailed grammatical description of the Nkem language; contains a large amount of illustrative lexical data.
NAME: Silfhout 2013
AUTHOR: Silfhout, Marijke van
FULL: Opuo: Towards a phonology.
DATA: Bachelor thesis, Leiden University.
LNG: Opo
CODE: kom-opo
DESCR: A detailed description of the phonology of Opo based on the author's own fieldwork. Accompanied with a representative vocabulary of the language, for now the single largest collection of lexical data on Opo.
NAME: Silver 1961
AUTHOR: Silver, Shirley
FULL: Shasta vocabulary.
LNG: Shasta
CODE: sha-sha
DESCR: A wordlist of Shasta, collected in July 1961 for the Survey of California Indian Languages (informant Sargent Sambo). Consists of a 14-page standard Survey vocabulary sheet, filled in by Shasta data in phonemic transcription. Available online at http://cla.berkeley.edu (item number: Silver.002).
NAME: Smelcer 2010
AUTHOR: Smelcer, J. E.
FULL: Ahtna noun dictionary and pronunciation guide.
DATA: Ahtna Heritage Foundation.
LNG: Ahtena, Central; Ahtena, Mentasta
CODE: pca-ahc; pca-ahm
DESCR: Thematic dictionary of the nouns of the Ahtena language. All main dialects are accounted for: Central [C], Lower [L], Western [W], Mentasta [M].
NAME: Snyman 1980
AUTHOR: Snyman, Jan W.
FULL: The relationship between Angolan !Xu and Žuǀ'õasi.
DATA: In: Bushman and Hottentot linguistic studies 1979. Ed. by Jan W. Snyman. Pretoria: University of South Africa, pp. 1-58.
LNG: !O!Kung
CODE: nkh-okn
DESCR: A sketch of the phonetical and grammatical peculiarities of a Northern dialect of the Žu (North Khoisan) family, with a small vocabulary in the appendix. The dialect is highly similar to, although not exactly identical, with the "N3" dialect described by D. F. Bleek in [Bleek 1929] and [Bleek 1956].
NAME: Solnit 1997
AUTHOR: Solnit, David B.
FULL: Eastern Kayah Li.
DATA: University of Hawaii Press.
LNG: Kayah Li, Eastern
CODE: krn-kli
DESCR: A detailed grammatical description of the Eastern Kayah Li language. Includes some samples of texts collected by the author and a brief vocabulary.
NAME: Steenwijk 1992
AUTHOR: Steenwijk, H.
FULL: The Slovene dialect of Resia: San Giorgo.
DATA: Rodopi.
LNG: Slovenian, Resia
CODE: slv-res
DESCR: Description of the San Giorgio dialect with texts and dictionary.
NAME: Stevenson 1957
AUTHOR: Stevenson, Roland C.
FULL: A survey of the phonetics and grammatical structure of the Nuba Mountains languages.
DATA: In: Afrika und Übersee, 41, pp. 27-65, 117-152, 171-196.
LNG: Ama; Afitti; Temein; Doni
CODE: nyi-ama; nyi-afi; tem-tmn; tem-don; kat-ktl
DESCR: This publication, among other things, provides a brief, but informative sketch of the grammars of Nyimang-Dinik, Temein-Jirru, and Katla-Tima, well illustrated by lexical material.
NAME: Stevenson 1983a
AUTHOR: Stevenson, Roland C.
FULL: Temein Work Sheets.
LNG: Temein
CODE: tem-tmn
DESCR: Several hundred basic lexicon items for the Temein language, recorded by Roland Stevenson and scanned by Roger Blench. Most of this data remains officially unpublished.
LINK: http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/Nilo-Saharan/Eastern%20Sudanic/Temein%20cluster/Temein%20lists.pdf
NAME: Stevenson 1983b
AUTHOR: Stevenson, Roland C.
FULL: Keiga Jirru Work Sheets.
LNG: Doni
CODE: tem-don
DESCR: Several hundred basic lexicon items for the Keiga Jirru, or Doni, language, recorded by Roland Stevenson and scanned by Roger Blench. Most of this data remains officially unpublished.
LINK: http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/Nilo-Saharan/Eastern%20Sudanic/Temein%20cluster/Keiga%20Jirru%20list.pdf
NAME: Stevenson 1983c
AUTHOR: Stevenson, Roland C.
FULL: Teisei umm Danab (Tese) Work Sheets.
LNG: Tese
CODE: tem-tes
DESCR: Several hundred basic lexicon items for the Teisei umm Danab, or Tese, language, recorded by Roland Stevenson and scanned by Roger Blench. Most of this data remains officially unpublished.
LINK: http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/Nilo-Saharan/Eastern%20Sudanic/Temein%20cluster/Tese%20lists.pdf
NAME: Stevenson 2000
AUTHOR: Stevenson, Roland C.
FULL: Roland Stevenson's Nyimang and Dinik Lexicon. Ed. by M. Lionel Bender.
DATA: In: Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, 63, pp. 103-120.
LNG: Ama; Afitti
CODE: nyi-ama; nyi-afi
DESCR: A list of more than 500 lexical items for Nyimang and Dinik, edited by M. Lionel Bender after Roland Stevenson's notes with some transcriptional unifications.
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