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NAME: Vossen 1986
AUTHOR: Vossen, Rainer
FULL: Zur Phonologie der ǀǀAni-Sprache.
DATA: In: Contemporary studies on Khoisan (Festschrift Oswin R. A. Köhler), v. 2. Ed. by R. Vossen & Klaus Keuthmann. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, pp. 321-345.
LNG: ǀǀAni
CODE: kho-tan
DESCR: Brief description of the phonological system of ǀǀAni, with numerous examples that make it a useful source of lexical data in the absence of a dictionary.
NAME: Vossen 1988
AUTHOR: Vossen, Rainer (in coll. w. Sabine Neumann, Christina Patriarchi, Margit Rottland, Rainer Spörl, Beate Vagt)
FULL: Khoe Linguistic Relationships Reconsidered: The Data.
DATA: In: New Perspectives on the Study of Khoisan. Ed. by Rainer Vossen. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, pp. 67-108.
LNG: ǀǀAni; ǀGanda; Naro; ǂHaba; ǀGui; ǀǀGana
CODE: kho-tan; kho-gnd; kho-nar; kho-hab; kho-gui; kho-gan; kho-car; kho-xai; kho-dan; kho-tsx; kho-det; kho-kua; kho-tsu
DESCR: Comparative lexicostatistical data on 14 Khoe lects, personally collected by R. Vossen and his team through extensive fieldwork. The entries that represent reconstructible etymologies have been reprinted in [Vossen 1997], but many of the non-etymologized data are unique for this source.
NAME: Vossen 1992
AUTHOR: Vossen, Rainer
FULL: Q in Khoe: borrowing, substrate or innovation?.
DATA: In: African linguistic contributions (Festschrift Ernst Westphal). Ed. by Derek F. Gowlett. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, pp. 363-388.
LNG: ǀǀAni; ǀGanda; ǀGui; ǀǀGana
CODE: kho-tan; kho-gnd; kho-gui; kho-gan
DESCR: The article deals with most known cases of uvular stops and click effluxes in Khoe (Central Khoisan) languages. For poorly described languages, contains some lexical data with these segments that are unavailable in other sources.
NAME: Vossen 1997
AUTHOR: Vossen, Rainer
FULL: Die Khoe-Sprachen: Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Sprachgeschichte Afrikas.
DATA: Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
LNG: ǀǀAni; ǀGanda; Naro; ǂHaba; ǀGui; ǀǀGana
CODE: kho-tan; kho-gnd; kho-nar; kho-hab; kho-gui; kho-gan; kho-car; kho-xai; kho-dan; kho-tsx; kho-det; kho-kua; kho-tsu
DESCR: A large monograph that describes phonological and grammatical systems for most known Central Khoisan (Khoe) languages. The Proto-Khoe phonological and morphological systems are also reconstructed. In terms of lexical data, the most useful section is the lexical index, containing several hundred cognate sets with the author's reconstructions and all the actual data provided as well (much of it collected by the author himself). Inarguably the best publication on the Khoe family available so far.
NAME: Vossen 2000
AUTHOR: Vossen, Rainer
FULL: Khoisan languages, with a grammatical sketch of ǀǀAni (Khoe).
DATA: In: Areal and genetic factors in language classification and description: Africa south of the Sahara. Ed. by Petr Zima. München: Lincom Europa, pp. 129-145.
LNG: ǀǀAni
CODE: kho-tan
DESCR: The article gives a very brief overview of Khoisan languages as a whole, plus, as an illustration, some grammatical data on ǀǀAni. Of moderate use as a lexical data source.
NAME: Waag 2010
AUTHOR: Waag, Christine
FULL: The Fur Verb and its Context.
DATA: Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
LNG: Fur
CODE: fur-fvr
DESCR: A special monographic treatment of the complicated verbal system of Fur. Includes some morphological and lexical data (on verbs) unavailable in other sources.
NAME: Wai 2013
AUTHOR: Wai Lin Aung
FULL: A descriptive grammar of Kayah Monu. M.A. Thesis.
DATA: Payap University, Chiang Mai.
LNG: Kayah Monu
CODE: krn-mnu
DESCR: A detailed, but not too lexically rich grammatical description of Kayah Monu that can nevertheless be used as a control source in some cases.
NAME: Wassillie 1979
AUTHOR: Wassillie, A.
FULL: Dena'ina qenaga duch'duldih. Dena'ina Athabaskan Junior Dictionary. Ed. by J. Kari..
DATA: Anchorage: University of Alaska.
LNG: Tanaina, Inland
CODE: pca-tfi
DESCR: An English-Tanaina dictionary (Inland dialect).
NAME: Watters 1981
AUTHOR: Watters, John Robert
FULL: A Phonology and Morphology of Ejagham, with notes on dialect variation. Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics.
DATA: Los Angeles: Department of Linguistics, University of California.
LNG: Western Ejagham
CODE: eko-eja
DESCR: Detailed description of the Northern sub-dialect of Western Ejagham; includes numerous examples of lexical data.
NAME: Wedekind 1990
AUTHOR: Wedekind, Klaus
FULL: Gimo-Jan or Ben-Yem-Om: Benč - Yemsa phonemes, tones and words.
DATA: In: Hayward, Richard J. (ed.). Omotic Language Studies. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 68-184.
LNG: Yem; Bench
CODE: ggm-yem; ggm-bnc
DESCR: A phonetic sketch of the Yemsa and Benč languages, followed by a highly representative glossary for both languages.
NAME: Wedekind 2002
AUTHOR: Wedekind, Klaus; Wedekind, Charlotte
FULL: Sociolinguistic Survey Report of the Asosa-Begi-Ko\-mosha Area. Part II.
DATA: SIL International.
LNG: Kwama; Begi Mao; Komo
CODE: kom-kwm; kom-beg; kom-kmo
DESCR: A standard type SIL report on an area populated by Koman speakers. Contains representative wordlists for two dialects of Kwama (Northern Kwama, or Kwama proper; Begi Mao) and on one dialect of Komo.
NAME: Weeks 1985
AUTHOR: Weeks, D. M.
FULL: Hittite Vocabulary: An Anatolian Appendix to Buck's Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages.
DATA: PhD dissertation. University of California.
LNG: Hittite
CODE: ana-oht
DESCR: A thematic glossary of the basic terms of the Hittite language.
NAME: Weir 1984
AUTHOR: Weir, Helen E. M.
FULL: A negação e outros tópicos da gramática Nadëb.
DATA: Campinas: UNICAMP.
LNG: Nadëb
CODE: ndh-ndb
DESCR: The first half of this Master's thesis comprises an outline of Nadëb grammar, the second half is dedicated to negation in Nadëb. No glossary is attached.
NAME: Werner 1977
AUTHOR: Вернер, Г. К.
FULL: Акцентированные сравнительные словарные материалы по современным енисейским диалектам [Accentuated comparative lexical data on modern Yeniseian dialects].
DATA: In: Языки и топонимия [Languages and toponymy], Tomsk, pp. 131-195.
LNG: Ket; Yugh
CODE: yen-ket; yen-yug
DESCR: First ever comparative vocabulary of Ket dialects that fully accounts for the suprasegmental features of all the words. Most of the data have been incorporated into [Werner 2002].
NAME: Werner 1987
AUTHOR: Werner, Roland
FULL: Grammatik des Nobiin (Nilnubisch). Phonologie, Tonologie und Morphologie.
DATA: Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
LNG: Nobiin
CODE: nub-nob
DESCR: A detailed phonological and grammatical description of Nobiin Nubian (Fadidja-Mahas), accompanied by numerous examples of phrasal usage, texts, and a brief glossary.
NAME: Werner 1993
AUTHOR: Вернер, Г. К.
FULL: Кетско-русский / русско-кетский словарь [Ket-Russian / Russian-Ket Dictionary].
DATA: Санкт-Петербург.
LNG: Ket
CODE: yen-ket
DESCR: Large dictionary of Ket, based primarily on the South Imbatsk dialect. All data are given in "official" Ket Cyrillic orthography, since the dictionary's primary purpose is educational.
NAME: Werner 1993
AUTHOR: Werner, Roland
FULL: Tìdn-áal: A Study of Midob (Darfur Nu\-bian)..
DATA: Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.
LNG: Midob
CODE: nub-mid
DESCR: Detailed grammatical description of Midob. Contains a few illustrative texts and sets of phrases, as well as a relatively comprehensive glossary.
NAME: Werner 2002
AUTHOR: Werner, Heinrich
FULL: Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Jenissej-Sprachen.
DATA: Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
LNG: Ket; Yugh; Arin
CODE: yen-ket; yen-yug; yen-ari
DESCR: Huge comparative lexicon that includes most of the known lexical data on Yeniseian languages.
NAME: Werner 2011
AUTHOR: Werner, Heinrich
FULL: Die Jugen (Sym-Jenissejer) im Lichte ihrer Sprache.
DATA: München: Lincom Europa.
LNG: Yugh
CODE: yen-yug
DESCR: Large monograph on Yugh, most of which is occupied by an extensive German-Yugh dictionary. This latest source on Yugh lexicon is used as the default source for Yugh data, although it should be noted that most of the data are directly copied from [Werner 2002].
NAME: Westphal 1966
AUTHOR: Westphal, Ernst O. J.
FULL: Linguistic research in SWA and Angola.
DATA: In: Die ethnischen Gruppen Südwestafrikas. Wissen\-schaft\-li\-c\-he For\-sch\-ung in Südwestafrika, Bd 3. Windhoek: Südwestafrikanische Wissen\-schaft\-liche Gesellschaft, pp. 125-144.
LNG: Kwadi
CODE: kwd-kwd
DESCR: Relatively short paper that contains a valuable, albeit very small, comparative vocabulary section, with data on multiple "Khoisan" idioms personally collected by the author, including a few lexical items from Kwadi.
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