Moser & Marlett 2010: 230. Word class: pronoun. According to [Marlett 2000], there are three ways to express the notion of 'all' in Seri: 1) the intransitive verb k=kˈoːo 'whole, entire / all' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 174], typically occurring in dependent adverbial clauses; 2) the pronoun koːχ 'all', that may either stand alone or follow a noun phrase; 3) the adjective koːχ 'all / every' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 229], that occurs inside the noun phrase. The adjective typically modifies a singular noun and is used mainly in fixed expressions like 'every day', 'all the world' etc. The verb and the pronoun may be used in paraphrase relationship, e.g. the sentence "All of the dogs will go" may be translated either with the verb or with the pronoun. Both the verb and the pronoun may express the 'singular' ('totus') and the 'plural' ('omnis') meaning, but the pronoun is more often associated with the plural noun phrase, which is why we choose it for the wordlist.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 416. Polysemy: 'skin of a person / skin or hide of an animal / epidermis or bark of a plant or tree / skin or peel of a fruit or vegetable / shell of an egg / shell of a mollusk / exoskeleton of an arthropod / exterior part of a bottle or can / casing or shell of a bullet / body of an automobile'. The general meaning of this word is defined in the dictionary as 'the integral part of something that encases it'. Word class: possessed noun. Plural: i=nˈaːax. Same word as 'skin' q.v.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 605. Glossed as 'belly, abdomen'. Word class: possessed noun. Plural: yˈaχ-kox. Secondary synonym: i=sχamˈon 'abdomen, belly and soft underside' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 427].
Moser & Marlett 2010: 56. Glossed as 'large, big'. Word class: intransitive verb. Basic forms: 3 sg. t=ˈaːkox, 3 pl. t=aːkʷɬ. Antonym: k=ˈisiɬ 'small, little, miniature' q.v.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 614. Word class: noun. Plural: šˈiːka-ɬk.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 171. Glossed as 'bite in anger (like dog)'. Word class: transitive verb. Basic forms: 3 sg. i=t=kˈatχɬa, 3 pl. i=t=kˈatχɬox. Secondary synonyms: k=kaɸš 'bite (with front teeth)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 167], k=kat 'bite (large piece, as a shark does)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 171], k=kˈaχox 'bite with the front teeth' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 171], k=kˈašni 'bite (snake) / pinch (crab)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 172]. We choose k=kˈatχɬa as the main synonym because it suits the diagnostic contexts better. All the above words may contain a fossilized prefix ka= with the meaning 'do smth. with teeth'. The former existence of such a prefix may be further confirmed by the following verbs: k=kˈaːo 'chew / curse (with power to harm)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 166], k=kˈanax 'chew with back teeth' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 169], k=kapxʷ 'chew (something juicy)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 169], k=kapχ 'crack (hard thing, with teeth)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 170], k=kˈašɬiɬ 'chew on to flatten' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 172]. It is worth noting that Terrence Kaufman reconstructs instrumental prepound *qa= 'by biting/chewing, with teeth/jaws' for Proto-Hokan on the basis of Northern Hokan data [Kaufman 1989: 123]. According to Kaufman's tables of phonetic correspondences [Kaufman 1989: 84-93], Proto-Hokan *qa= should have yielded ka= in Seri.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 303. Word class: noun. Plural: ʔˈaːit-ɬox. In 19th century word lists the word is attested as avt ~ av̆at [Marlett 2010: 37], with the phoneme -w- or -v- that has been completely lost in modern Seri. Secondary synonyms: χˈiːka ˈano mˈoka 'blood' (literally: 'substance that comes'), archaic [Moser & Marlett 2010: 587], χˈiːka isχˈɛːn oː kaːp 'blood' (literally: 'substance that is in the abdomen'), archaic [Moser & Marlett 2010: 588].
Moser & Marlett 2010: 409. Glossed as 'breast / chest'. Plural: ˈiːstoχ ˈiːšxox. Composed of ˈiː=sa-χ (possessed noun, plural ˈiː=s-to-χ) (according to [Moser & Marlett 2010: 409], this word is no longer used as an independent noun, having been replaced by iʔˈiːsaχ 'breath / spirit / soul / life') and iː=šk 'front of body' (possessed noun, plural forms: 3 sg. possessor iː=š[x]k, 3 pl. possessor ˈiː=š-x-ox) [Moser & Marlett 2010: 411]. Secondary synonyms: i=mt 'breast / milk' (apparently denotes only or mainly female breast) [Moser & Marlett 2010: 415], i=snˈaːp 'breastmeat / chest' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 426], i=tɬˈɛːn 'palm of hand / chest area' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 434].
Word:burn tr.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 110. Polysemy: 'burn / turn on light, light (e.g., candle) / brand'. Word class: causative verb. Basic forms: pf. 3 sg. i=t=aʔ=ˈitax; impf. 3 sg. i=t=aʔ=ˈitaɬ-im, i=t=aʔ=ˈitaɬ-k; pf. 3 pl. i=t=aʔ=ˈitaɬ-kox; impf. 3 pl. i=t=aʔ=ˈitaɬ-am. Derived from the intransitive verb k=ˈitax 'burn' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 534]. Secondary synonym: k=ak=ˈaːnox (causative verb) 'burn / light (e.g. candle) / fish by torchlight' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 87], derived from k=ˈanox 'happen of a continuous and rather low sound, like the roaring of the sea; the hissing of a lantern; or the buzzing of a bee / burn with a hissing sound' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 131].
Moser & Marlett 2010: 384. Glossed as 'cloud, especially small scattered clouds'. Word class: noun. Plural: ʔˈoːka-ɬa. Cf. ʔˈoːka-χ 'large thunder cloud' (plural ʔˈoːk-ta-χ) [ibid.]. -ɬa is tentatively considered a suffix due to comparison with ʔˈoːka-χ.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 445. Word class: intransitive verb. Basic forms: pf. 3 sg. mˈo=t=a; impf. 3 sg. mˈo=t=a-tim; pf. 3 pl. mˈo=t=a-t; impf. 3 pl. mˈo=t=a-toɬka, mˈo=t=a-tox. According to [Moser & Marlett 2010: 445], prefix mo= "[o]ccurs with only a few verbs to indicate that the subject is approaching".
Seri:ʔakχ k=m=iːʔ1
Moser & Marlett 2010: 186. Polysemy: 'lost (object) / die (person)'. Formed from the intransitive verb k=m=iːʔ 'scarce, rare' (basic forms: pf. 3 sg. t=m=iːʔ, pf. 3 pl. t=m=ˈiːʔ-tox, impf. 3 pl. t=m=ˈiːʔ-toɬka) [ibid.] with the adverb ʔakχ 'apart, alone' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 313]. According to [Moser & Marlett 2010: 186], k=m=iːʔ is historically related to k=iːʔ 'be' (m= is the negative prefix). Secondary synonym: k=ˈoːχi 'die (especially animal) / fade' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 230]. This verb is also used in idiomatic expressions meaning '(to be) thirsty', '(to be) hungry', 'to be eclipsed (moon, sun)' etc. It is highly probable that k=ˈoːχi is the original word for 'to die (of person)', replaced by ʔakχ k=m=iːʔ. However, textual examples in the dictionary leave no doubt that ʔakχ k=m=iːʔ is now the main synonym.
Moser & Marlett 2010: 363. Word class: possessed noun. Plural: ʔˈa=χa-ka. Secondary synonym: šiːχ ʔˈɛmɛ ˈiːkot kˈataχ 'dog' (archaic), literally: 'thing that walks between the houses' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 625].
Moser & Marlett 2010: 527. Polysemy: 'drink / bite and suck (e.g. mosquito)'. Word class: transitive verb. Basic forms: pf. 3 sg. i=t=ˈasi, impf. 3 sg. i=t=ˈas-yat, pf. 3 pl. i=t=ˈas-yox, impf. 3 pl. i=t=ˈas-yoɬka. Secondary synonym: k=i=m 'swallow / drink' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 512-513]. Cf. also the detransitivized verb k=ˈoː=si 'drink', derived from k=ˈi=si [Moser & Marlett 2010: 227].
Moser & Marlett 2010: 285-286. Polysemy: 'dry / used up (liquid) / die (plant)'. Word class: intransitive verb. Basic forms: 3 sg. kʷ=t=ˈoːtix, 3 pl. kʷ=t=ˈoːtiɬ-k. Secondary synonyms: k=axʷk 'dry' (intransitive verb), archaic [Moser & Marlett 2010: 121], k=oːskɬ 'dry / speckled or mottled without much color' (intransitive verb) [Moser & Marlett 2010: 227], k=paps 'dry (lacking liquid for appropriate use) / rough (surface)' [Moser & Marlett 2010: 244].