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North Caucasian family: Lezgian group (20 lists, 1 proto-list) :

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Number: 48
Word: liver
Nidzh Udi: maˤyin=papaš {маъйин папаш} 1 
Vartashen Udi: maˤin=pušˤpuš 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: dilˈikʼ -1 
Kryts (proper): läħä=läħkän 2 
Alyk Kryts: taχul ~ leha=taχul 3 
Budukh: läqʼ {лаькь} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: kʼɨlʸkʼam {кIылʹкIам} 2 
Mikik Tsakhur: kʼɨlʸkʼam 2 
Gelmets Tsakhur: qʼalqʼam 2 
Mukhad Rutul: laqʼ {лакь} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: leqʼ {лекь} 2 
Luchek Rutul: laqʼ 2 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: lekʼ 2 
Keren Aghul: lekʼʸ 2 
Gequn Aghul: lekʼʸ 2 
Fite Aghul: likʼʸ 2 
Aghul (proper): lekʼʸ 2 
Northern Tabasaran: lˈikʼ-i 2 
Southern Tabasaran: kʼarˈu=likʼ 2 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: läqʼ 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *läƛʼ 2
Number: 49
Word: long
Nidzh Udi: boχo-y {бохой} 1 
Vartashen Udi: boχo {бохо} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: ˈaqa-tːu-class 2 
Kryts (proper): ʕaχ-ti 1 
Alyk Kryts: ʕaqa 4 
Budukh: ʕapχu ~ hapχu {гIапху, гIабху, гьапху} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: χɨlʸiː-n ~ χlʸiː-n {хылийн} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: χɨlːʸiː-n 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: χɨlʸiyi-nʸ 3 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: χˤulaχ-dɨ {хуIлаIхды} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: χulːiχ-dɨ {хуллихды} 3 
Luchek Rutul: χuleχ-dɨ 3 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: yirχe-r ~ yerχe-r 3 
Keren Aghul: yarχˤe-f 3 
Gequn Aghul: yerχe-f 3 
Fite Aghul: yarχi-t 3 
Aghul (proper): irχe-f 3 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: yarχˈi 3 
Southern Tabasaran: yarχˈi 3 
Gyune Lezgi: yärʁˈi 3 
Proto-Lezgian: *hˤalχä- 3
Number: 49
Word: long
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Archi: lˈaːχa-tːu-class 3 
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 50
Word: louse
Nidzh Udi: necː {нецI} 1 
Vartashen Udi: necː {нецI} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: nˈacʼː- 1 
Kryts (proper): liš 2 
Alyk Kryts: liš 2 
Budukh: liš {лиш} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: wixʸ {вихьʹ} 2 
Mikik Tsakhur: wixʸ 2 
Gelmets Tsakhur: wixʸ 2 
Mukhad Rutul: lix {лихь} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: lix {лихь} 2 
Luchek Rutul: lixʸ 2 
Koshan Aghul: netː 1 
Keren Aghul: netː 1 
Gequn Aghul: netː 1 
Fite Aghul: nitː 1 
Aghul (proper): netː 1 
Northern Tabasaran: nˈicː-i 1 
Southern Tabasaran: nicː 1 
Gyune Lezgi: net 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *näcʼː 1
Number: 51
Word: man
Nidzh Udi: iš-qːar {ишкъар} 1 
Vartashen Udi: išu {ишу} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: bošˈor 2 
Kryts (proper): firi 1 
Alyk Kryts: furi 1 
Budukh: furi {фури} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: adamiː {адамий} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: adami -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: adami -1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: wɨɣɨl {выг̆ыл} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: wɨɣɨl-dɨ {выгIылды} 3 
Luchek Rutul: wɨɣɨl-dɨ 3 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: ile-r 4 
Keren Aghul: idemi -1 
Gequn Aghul: eremi -1 
Fite Aghul: edim -1 
Aghul (proper): idemi -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: žʷi 1 
Southern Tabasaran: admˈi -1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: tːim -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *šːʷiy 1
Number: 52
Word: many
Nidzh Udi: gele {ҝеле, геле} 1 
Vartashen Udi: gölö {ҝоьлоь, гоьлоь} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: nˈaːqʼukan ~ nˈoːqʼukan ~ nˈoːqʼukun ~ nˈaːqʼukun-nu-class 2 
Kryts (proper): parä -1 
Alyk Kryts: χayla -1 
Budukh: läħ-ki ~ läħ-ki-ǯe {лаьхIки ~ лаьхIкидже} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: χe-class-adv.class {херра} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: χe-class-adv.class 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: χˤa-class-adv.class 3 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: bala {бала} 4 
Ixrek Rutul: balä {балаь} 4 
Luchek Rutul: bala 4 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: pːara -1 
Keren Aghul: pːara -1 
Gequn Aghul: pːara -1 
Fite Aghul: pːara -1 
Aghul (proper): pːara -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: aχˤ=čʼʷˈa 5 
Southern Tabasaran: aχˤu=čʼʷˈiʔ 5 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: gizˈaf -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔaχˤɨ- 3
Number: 53
Word: meat
Nidzh Udi: yeqː {йекъ} 1 
Vartashen Udi: eqː {екъ} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: aƛʼ 1 
Kryts (proper): yek 1 
Alyk Kryts: yak 1 
Budukh: yǝk {йак} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: čura {чура} 2 
Mikik Tsakhur: čuru 2 
Gelmets Tsakhur: čuroy 2 
Mukhad Rutul: yak {йак, як} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: yak {як} 1 
Luchek Rutul: yak 1 
Koshan Aghul: yakː 1 
Keren Aghul: yakː 1 
Gequn Aghul: yakː 1 
Fite Aghul: yikː 1 
Aghul (proper): yakː 1 
Northern Tabasaran: yˈakː-a 1 
Southern Tabasaran: yikː 1 
Gyune Lezgi: yak 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *yaƛʼː 1
Number: 54
Word: moon
Nidzh Udi: χaš {хаш} 1 
Vartashen Udi: χaš {хаш} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: bac 2 
Kryts (proper): väz 2 
Alyk Kryts: vaz 2 
Budukh: vǝz {ваз} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: waz {ваз} 2 
Mikik Tsakhur: waz 2 
Gelmets Tsakhur: waz 2 
Mukhad Rutul: waz {ваз} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: waz {ваз} 2 
Luchek Rutul: waz 2 
Koshan Aghul: waz 2 
Keren Aghul: waz 2 
Gequn Aghul: waz 2 
Fite Aghul: waz 2 
Aghul (proper): waz 2 
Northern Tabasaran: wˈaʒ-a 2 
Southern Tabasaran: waz 2 
Gyune Lezgi: warʒ 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *wacː 2
Number: 55
Word: mountain
Nidzh Udi: b-ur-uχ {бурух} 1 
Vartashen Udi: b-ur-uχ {бурух} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: mul 2 
Kryts (proper): bel 3 
Alyk Kryts: daʁ -1 
Budukh: daʁ {дагъ} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: sɨwa {сыва} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: sɨwa ~ suwa 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: sɨwa 1 
Mukhad Rutul: sɨw ~ suw {сыв ~ сув} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: sɨw {сыв} 1 
Luchek Rutul: sɨw 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: sːu 1 
Keren Aghul: su 1 
Gequn Aghul: su 1 
Fite Aghul: suw 1 
Aghul (proper): su 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: siw 1 
Southern Tabasaran: siw 1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: daʁ -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *sɨwa 1
Number: 56
Word: mouth
Nidzh Udi: žˤomo {жIомо} 1 
Vartashen Udi: žˤomo-χ {жIомох} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: sːob 2 
Kryts (proper): siv 2 
Alyk Kryts: siy 2 
Budukh: siv {сив} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: ɣalʸ {гIалʹ} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: ɣalʸ 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: ɣalʸ 3 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: ɣal {г̆ал} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: ɣal {гIал} 3 
Luchek Rutul: ɣal 3 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: siw 2 
Keren Aghul: sib 2 
Gequn Aghul: siw 2 
Fite Aghul: siw 2 
Aghul (proper): siw 2 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: ˈužʷ-u 2 
Southern Tabasaran: ušʷ 2 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: siw 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *sːɨw 2
Number: 57
Word: name
Nidzh Udi: cːi {цIи} 1 
Vartashen Udi: cːi {цIи} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: cʼor 1 
Kryts (proper): tɨr 1 
Alyk Kryts: tur 1 
Budukh: tur {тур} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: do {до} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: do 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: do 1 
Mukhad Rutul: dur {дур} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: dur {дур} 1 
Luchek Rutul: dur 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: tːur 1 
Keren Aghul: tːur 1 
Gequn Aghul: tːur 1 
Fite Aghul: tːur 1 
Aghul (proper): tːur 1 
Northern Tabasaran: ʒur 1 
Southern Tabasaran: čːʷur 1 
Gyune Lezgi: tʼar 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *cʼːʷer 1
Number: 58
Word: neck
Nidzh Udi: ozan {озан} 1 
Vartashen Udi: ozan {озан} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: oˤčʼ-lˈekːi 3 
Kryts (proper): gardan -1 
Alyk Kryts: gardan -1 
Budukh: gǝrdǝn {гардан} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: gardan {гардан} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: gardan -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: gardan -1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: gardan {гардан} -1 
Ixrek Rutul: gardan {гардан} -1 
Luchek Rutul: gardan -1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: gardan -1 
Keren Aghul: gardan -1 
Gequn Aghul: gardan -1 
Fite Aghul: gardan -1 
Aghul (proper): gardan -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: gardˈan -1 
Southern Tabasaran: gardˈan -1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: gardˈan -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *χˤaw 4
Number: 58
Word: neck
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi: qːoqː {къокъ} 2 
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 59
Word: new
Nidzh Udi: täzä {таьзаь} -1 
Vartashen Udi: ini {ини} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: macʼˈa-tːu-class 1 
Kryts (proper): cʼiyä 1 
Alyk Kryts: taza -1 
Budukh: tǝzǝ {таза} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: cʼʸe-class-n {цIедын} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: cʼʸe-class-n 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: cʼʸe-class-nʸ 1 
Mukhad Rutul: cʼin-dɨ {цIинды} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: cʼin-dɨ {цIинды} 1 
Luchek Rutul: cʼin-dɨ 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: cʼeye-r 1 
Keren Aghul: cʼaye-f 1 
Gequn Aghul: cʼeye-f 1 
Fite Aghul: cʼayi-t 1 
Aghul (proper): cʼeye-f 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: cʼeyˈi 1 
Southern Tabasaran: cʼiyˈi 1 
Gyune Lezgi: cʼeyˈi 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *cʼen-class-ä- 1
Number: 60
Word: night
Nidzh Udi: šü {шуь} 1 
Vartashen Udi: šu {шу} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: ˈišː- 1 
Kryts (proper): yif 1 
Alyk Kryts: yif 1 
Budukh: yuǯǝ-n-ǯiǯ {йуджанджидж, йудженджидж} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: χˤam {хаIм} 2 
Mikik Tsakhur: χˤam 2 
Gelmets Tsakhur: χˤam 2 
Mukhad Rutul: wɨš ~ wuš {выш ~ вуш} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: yüš ~ yuš {йуьш ~ йуш} 1 
Luchek Rutul: wɨš 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: išːʷ 1 
Keren Aghul: ʢuš 1 
Gequn Aghul: ʡüš 1 
Fite Aghul: üxʸ 1 
Aghul (proper): ʡüš 1 
Northern Tabasaran: yˈižʷ-i 1 
Southern Tabasaran: yišʷ 1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: yif 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʡišːʷ 1
Number: 61
Word: nose
Nidzh Udi: boχˤmoʁ {боъхмоъгъ} 1 
Vartashen Udi: boχˤmoʁ {боъхмоъгъ} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: muč 2 
Kryts (proper): miʔel 3 
Alyk Kryts: maʔal 3 
Budukh: meʔel {меъел} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: qow {хъов} 4 
Mikik Tsakhur: quš 5 
Gelmets Tsakhur: qow 4 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: xex {хьехь} 6 
Ixrek Rutul: xex {хьехь} 6 
Luchek Rutul: xexʸ 6 
Koshan Aghul: qˤuq 7 
Keren Aghul: qˤuq 7 
Gequn Aghul: qʷeqʷ ~ qüqʸ 7 
Fite Aghul: qʷeqʷ 7 
Aghul (proper): qeqʷ 7 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: qˤaq 7 
Southern Tabasaran: qˤuq 7 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: ner 3 
Proto-Lezgian: *muʔel 3
Number: 61
Word: nose
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur: qow 4 
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 62
Word: not
Nidzh Udi: te- {те-} 1 
Vartashen Udi: te- {те-} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: =tʼu 1 
Kryts (proper): d-ä-class 1 
Alyk Kryts: d-a-class 1 
Budukh: d-ǝ-class {да-} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: dʸe-š {деш} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur: dʸi-ʔ {диъ} 1 
Mukhad Rutul: di-š {диш} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: di-š {диш} 1 
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul: =da 1 
Keren Aghul: =da 1 
Gequn Aghul: =da 1 
Fite Aghul: =da 1 
Aghul (proper): =da 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: da-r 1 
Southern Tabasaran: da-r 1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi:  2 
Proto-Lezgian: *tːV- 1
Number: 63
Word: one
Nidzh Udi: sa {са} 1 
Vartashen Udi: sa {са} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: ˈosː- 1 
Kryts (proper): sa-class 1 
Alyk Kryts: sa-class 1 
Budukh: sǝ-class {са-} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: sa ~ sa-class-lʸe {са, салле} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: sa ~ sa-class-lʸe 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: sa ~ sa-class-lʸä 1 
Mukhad Rutul: sa {са} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: sä {саь} 1 
Luchek Rutul: sa 1 
Koshan Aghul: sːa-r 1 
Keren Aghul: sa-d 1 
Gequn Aghul: sa-d 1 
Fite Aghul: sa-d 1 
Aghul (proper): sa-d 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: sa-class 1 
Southern Tabasaran: sa-class 1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: sa 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *sːa 1
Number: 64
Word: person
Nidzh Udi: amd-ar {амдар} -1 
Vartashen Udi: adam-ar {адамар} -1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: adˈam -1 
Kryts (proper): admi -1 
Alyk Kryts: adami -1 
Budukh: idmi {идми} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: insan ~ iːsan {инсан} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: insan -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: insan -1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: edemi ~ ädämi {эдеми ~ аьдаьми} -1 
Ixrek Rutul: edemi {эдеми} -1 
Luchek Rutul: edemi -1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: insan -1 
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul: insan -1 
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper): insan -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: ermˈi {эрми} -1 
Southern Tabasaran: edmˈi {эдми} -1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: insˈan -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *šːʷiy 1
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