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North Caucasian family: Lezgian group (20 lists, 1 proto-list) :

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Number: 65
Word: rain
Nidzh Udi: aʁa-la {агъала} 1 
Vartashen Udi: aʁa-la {агъала} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: χːˤel 2 
Kryts (proper): čʼebi-ǯ 3 
Alyk Kryts: čʼebi-ǯ 3 
Budukh: mǝf {маф} 4 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: gʸ=oʁiː {гёгий} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: gʸ=oːʁiː 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: gʸ=eʁu-y 1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: h=uʁa-l ~ uʁa-l {гьугъал} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: h=uʁa-l {гьугъал} 1 
Luchek Rutul: h=uʁa-l 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: uʢa-l 1 
Keren Aghul: uʁa-l 1 
Gequn Aghul: uʁa-l 1 
Fite Aghul: uʁa-l 1 
Aghul (proper): uʁa-l 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: marx 4 
Southern Tabasaran: marx 4 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: marf 4 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔoqːʷa-l 1
Number: 65
Word: rain
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul: marf 4 
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 66
Word: red
Nidzh Udi: čːˤočːˤa {ч́оч́а} 1 
Vartashen Udi: čːˤočːˤa {ч́оч́а} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: yˈaˤtʼan-nu-class -1 
Kryts (proper): iri 2 
Alyk Kryts: iuru 2 
Budukh: al {ал} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: čʼara-n {чIаран, чIаIран} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: čʼera-n 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: čʼara-nʸ 3 
Mukhad Rutul: ir-dɨ {ирды} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: ir-dɨ {ирды} 2 
Luchek Rutul: ir-dɨ 2 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: ire-r 2 
Keren Aghul: ire-f 2 
Gequn Aghul: ire-f 2 
Fite Aghul: iri-t 2 
Aghul (proper): ire-f 2 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: irˈi 2 
Southern Tabasaran: ürˈu 2 
Gyune Lezgi: yarˈu 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔirɨ- ~ *ʔˤirɨ- 2
Number: 67
Word: road
Nidzh Udi: yaqː {йакъ} 1 
Vartashen Udi: yaqː {йакъ} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: dˈeqʼːˤ- 1 
Kryts (proper): riχ 2 
Alyk Kryts: riχ 2 
Budukh: riχ {рих} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: yaqːˤ- {йаIхъ, йаIххъ-} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: yaqːˤ- 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: yɨqːˤ- 1 
Mukhad Rutul: raqˤ {раIхъ} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: raqˤ {раIхъ} 1 
Luchek Rutul: raqˤ 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: raqːˤ 1 
Keren Aghul: raqːˤ 1 
Gequn Aghul: reqːʸ 1 
Fite Aghul: raqːˤ 1 
Aghul (proper): räqː ~ reqː 1 
Northern Tabasaran: rˈaqːˤ-a 1 
Southern Tabasaran: raqːˤ 1 
Gyune Lezgi: räq 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *räqʼːˤ 1
Number: 68
Word: root
Nidzh Udi: tum ~ tüm {тум} 1 
Vartashen Udi: tum {тум} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: mˈarχːu -1 
Kryts (proper): kuk -1 
Alyk Kryts: kuk -1 
Budukh: kuk {кук} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: kok {кок} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: kokː- -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: kok -1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: ʁʷab {гъваб} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: ʁʷab {гъваб} 2 
Luchek Rutul: ʁʷab 2 
Koshan Aghul: marʡ 3 
Keren Aghul: marqʷˤ 3 
Gequn Aghul: märʡ 3 
Fite Aghul: marʔ 3 
Aghul (proper): märʡ 3 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: ǯuw 4 
Southern Tabasaran: čːiw 4 
Gyune Lezgi: duwˈul 5 
Number: 69
Word: round
Nidzh Udi: kːankːoroy {кIанкIорой} 1 
Vartashen Udi: kːakːanikː {кIакIаникI} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: gukːˈi-tːu-class -1 
Kryts (proper): gurgu-m 1 
Alyk Kryts: bembeleɢʷatʼa 2 
Budukh: gungu-r-tʼi ~ gungu-lu-tʼi {гунгуртIи} 1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: gɨlʸgɨlʸe-n {гылʹгылен} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: gɨrgara-n 1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: top-xʸilʸi-nʸ 3 
Mukhad Rutul: ruʁ-ud {ругъуд} 4 
Ixrek Rutul: gɨrg-ɨ-n-dɨ {гыргынды} 1 
Luchek Rutul: ruʁu-d 4 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: al=arc-ni-r 5 
Keren Aghul: gilg-e-n-f 1 
Gequn Aghul: gilg-e-n-f ~ girg-e-n-f 1 
Fite Aghul: gug-mi-t 1 
Aghul (proper): girg-e-n-f 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: cʼˈi=gurgu-mi 1 
Southern Tabasaran: gerg-mˈi 1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: el=qːʷˈe-y {элкъвей} 4 
Proto-Lezgian: *girgʷV 1
Number: 69
Word: round
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul: tʼaˤrlič 6 
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul: al=urcu-t 5 
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 70
Word: sand
Nidzh Udi: qːum {къум} -1 
Vartashen Udi: ša {ша} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: sˈarsi 2 
Kryts (proper): qːum -1 
Alyk Kryts: qːum -1 
Budukh: qːum {къум} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: qːum {къум} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: qːum -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: qːum -1 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: šim ~ šum {шим} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: qːum {къум} -1 
Luchek Rutul: qːum -1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: qːum -1 
Keren Aghul: qːum -1 
Gequn Aghul: qːum -1 
Fite Aghul: qːum -1 
Aghul (proper): qːum -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: ɢum -1 
Southern Tabasaran: ʁum -1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: qːum -1 
Proto-Lezgian: *šːäm 1
Number: 70
Word: sand
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul: secʼ {сецI} 3 
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 71
Word: say
Nidzh Udi: neχ- {нех-} 1 
Vartashen Udi: eχ- {ех-} 2 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: bo- 3 
Kryts (proper): l=u- 3 
Alyk Kryts: l=i-yi 3 
Budukh: yuʔu- {йуъу-} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: eh- {эгьес, ивгьес} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: ih- 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: ih- {игьез} 3 
Mukhad Rutul: class=ux- {гьухьус} 4 
Ixrek Rutul: class=ux- {гьухьун} 4 
Luchek Rutul: class=ux- 4 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: kː-a- 5 
Keren Aghul: aʁ-a-y- 6 
Gequn Aghul: aʁ-a- 6 
Fite Aghul: aʁ-a- 6 
Aghul (proper): aʁ-a-y- 6 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: kʼ- 7 
Southern Tabasaran: kʼ- 7 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: l=uhˈu- 3 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔiʔʷˤɨ- 3
Number: 71
Word: say
Nidzh Udi: p- 3 
Vartashen Udi: p- 3 
Archi: wa-r- 3 
Kryts (proper): l=ip- 3 
Alyk Kryts: l=ip- 3 
Budukh: yɨpǝ- {йыпа-} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: iwh- 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: uwh- 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul: p-una- 3 
Keren Aghul: p-una- 3 
Gequn Aghul: p-una- 3 
Fite Aghul: up-una- 3 
Aghul (proper): p-una- 3 
Northern Tabasaran: p- 3 
Southern Tabasaran: p- 3 
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 72
Word: see
Nidzh Udi: akː-sun {акIсун} 1 
Vartashen Udi: akː-sun {акIсун} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: =ˈakːu- 1 
Kryts (proper): irqi- 2 
Alyk Kryts: irqi- 2 
Budukh: irqi- {ирхъи-} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: qː=aǯ- {къаджес} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: ʁ=ež- 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: ʁ=až- 3 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: h=agʷ- {гьагвас} 1 
Ixrek Rutul: ʁ=ägʷ- {гъаьгун} 1 
Luchek Rutul: h=agʷ- 1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: raqːˤ-a- 2 
Keren Aghul: agʷ-a- 1 
Gequn Aghul: agʷ-a- 1 
Fite Aghul: agʷ-a- 1 
Aghul (proper): agʷ-a- 1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: aɢːˤ-ˈ 2 
Southern Tabasaran: raqːˤ-ˈ 2 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: akːʷˈa- 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔakːʷä- 1
Number: 72
Word: see
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 73
Word: seed
Nidzh Udi: cil {цил} 1 
Vartashen Udi: cil {цил} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: ɬːʷinː- 2 
Kryts (proper): tum -1 
Alyk Kryts: tum -1 
Budukh: tum {тум} -1 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: toχum {тохум} -1 
Mikik Tsakhur: dʸenʸe -1 
Gelmets Tsakhur: dʸenʸe -1 
Mukhad Rutul: suk {сук} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: tuχum {тухум} -1 
Luchek Rutul: tuχum -1 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: tum -1 
Keren Aghul: tum -1 
Gequn Aghul: tum -1 
Fite Aghul: tum -1 
Aghul (proper): tum -1 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: tum -1 
Southern Tabasaran: tum -1 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: fin 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *ɬːʷin 2
Number: 74
Word: sit
Nidzh Udi: arc-esun {арцесун} 1 
Vartashen Udi: arc-esun {арцесун} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: qʼˈeˤyqʼi- 2 
Kryts (proper): äs=qʼʷan- 2 
Alyk Kryts: as=qʼʷan- 2 
Budukh: aqʼol- {алкьол-, акьул-} 2 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: gʸ=iːʔar {гюъарас} 3 
Mikik Tsakhur: gʸ=iyar ~ gʸ=uʔor 3 
Gelmets Tsakhur: gʸ=iʔor- 3 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: s=uqʼʷ- {сукьус ~ сукьас} 2 
Ixrek Rutul: s=iqʼ- {сикьун} 2 
Luchek Rutul: s=iqʼʷ- 2 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: a=wqʼ-a- 2 
Keren Aghul: iqʼʷ-a- 2 
Gequn Aghul: iqʼʷ-a- 2 
Fite Aghul: üqʼʷ-e- 2 
Aghul (proper): eqʼʷ-a- 2 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: de=ʔˈeʔ- 3 
Southern Tabasaran: č=ˈeʔ- 3 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: az=ˈuqʼ- 2 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔiqʼʷä- 2
Number: 75
Word: skin
Nidzh Udi: tːol {тIол} 1 
Vartashen Udi: tːol {тIол} 1 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: qal 2 
Kryts (proper): leʕ 3 
Alyk Kryts: ʕič 4 
Budukh: läʕ {лаьгI} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: qːekʷa {къеква} 5 
Mikik Tsakhur: ʁekʷa 5 
Gelmets Tsakhur: qʼabɨχ {кьабых} 6 
Mukhad Rutul: liʔ {лиъ} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: qʼɨdiqʼ {кьыдикь} 7 
Luchek Rutul:
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul: χam 8 
Gequn Aghul: qʼareqʼ 7 
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper): χam 8 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: qʼiriqʼ 7 
Southern Tabasaran: χam {хам} 8 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: χam 8 
Number: 75
Word: skin
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul: qːɨdɨqʼ {къыдыкь} 7 
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul:
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 76
Word: sleep
Nidzh Udi: bas-kː-sun 1 
Vartashen Udi: nepː-aχ-e-sun {непIахесун} 2 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: ˈaχu-ke- 3 
Kryts (proper): aχar- 3 
Alyk Kryts: aχar- 3 
Budukh: aχar- {архар-, ехир-} 3 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: qː=iːsan- {къийсан-} 1 
Mikik Tsakhur: ʁilʸ=ex- 4 
Gelmets Tsakhur: ʁalʸ=ix- {гъалихьаз} 4 
Common Tsakhur notes:
Mukhad Rutul: s=aχ- {сахас} 3 
Ixrek Rutul: s=aχ- {сахын} 3 
Luchek Rutul: s=aχ- 3 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: aχ-a- 3 
Keren Aghul: ʁ=arx-a- 6 
Gequn Aghul: aχ-a- 3 
Fite Aghul: ʁ=arx-a- 6 
Aghul (proper): ʁ=arx-a- 6 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: ɢaʔ=ˈaχ- 3 
Southern Tabasaran: aːχ-ˈ 3 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: k=usˈu- 1 
Proto-Lezgian: *ʔasʷɨn- ~ *ʔasːʷɨn- 1
Number: 76
Word: sleep
Nidzh Udi:
Vartashen Udi:
Kryts (proper):
Alyk Kryts:
Mishlesh Tsakhur:
Mikik Tsakhur:
Gelmets Tsakhur:
Mukhad Rutul:
Ixrek Rutul:
Luchek Rutul:
Koshan Aghul: ʢ=ark-i- 5 
Keren Aghul:
Gequn Aghul:
Fite Aghul:
Aghul (proper):
Northern Tabasaran:
Southern Tabasaran:
Gyune Lezgi:
Number: 77
Word: small
Nidzh Udi: micːikː {мицIикI} 1 
Vartashen Udi: kːicːi {кIицIи} 2 
Common Udi notes:
Archi: tʼˈi-tːu-class 3 
Kryts (proper): silä 4 
Alyk Kryts: sila 4 
Budukh: mikʼe {микIе} 5 
Mishlesh Tsakhur: kʼɨlʸi-n {кIылин} 6 
Mikik Tsakhur: kʼɨlʸɨ-n 6 
Gelmets Tsakhur: kʼɨlʸi-nʸ 6 
Mukhad Rutul: kʼaʔ-dɨ {кIаъды} 6 
Ixrek Rutul: kʼa-dɨ {кIады} 6 
Luchek Rutul: kʼɨʔ-dɨ 6 
Common Rutul notes:
Koshan Aghul: icʼi-r 7 
Keren Aghul: bicʼi-f 7 
Gequn Aghul: bicʼi-f 7 
Fite Aghul: bicʼi-t 7 
Aghul (proper): bicʼi-f 7 
Common Aghul notes:
Northern Tabasaran: bičʼːʷˈi ~ bičʼʷˈi 7 
Southern Tabasaran: bicʼˈi 7 
Common Tabasaran notes:
Gyune Lezgi: ʁʷačʼˈi 8 
Proto-Lezgian: *kʼɨʔʷV 6
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