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Source: Applegate 2007
Author: Applegate, Richard Brian & The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Full name: Samala-English Dictionary: A Guide to the Samala Language of the Ineseño Chumash People.
Publisher data: Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians.
Language(s): Ineseño
Code(s): chm-ins
Description: A voluminous 608-page dictionary of the Ineseño (Samala) language, created by R.B. Applegate for purposes of language revitalization. Entirely based on J.P. Harrington's field notes, collected between 1911 and 1919. The main informant of Harrington was María Solares (1842-1923), one of the last fluent speakers of Ineseño.
Source: Aragon & Cabral 2005
Author: Aragon, Carolina Coelho; Cabral, Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara
Full name: A posição da língua Akuntsú na família lingüística Tuparí.
Publisher data: In: Anais do IV Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília.
Language(s): Akuntsú; Makuráp; Mekéns; Tuparí
Code(s): tpr-aku; tpr-mak; tpr-mek; tpr-tpi
Description: An article intending to show that Akuntsú is especially close to Mekéns. A short comparative wordlist for Makuráp, Tuparí, Mekéns, Akuntsú and two non-Tuparí Tupían languages is present.
Source: Aragon 2008
Author: Aragon, Carolina Coelho.
Full name: Fonologia e aspectos morfológicos e sintáticos da língua Akuntsú. MA thesis.
Publisher data: Brasília: Universidade de Brasília.
Language(s): Akuntsú
Code(s): tpr-aku
Description: A description of Akuntsú phonology and some grammatical aspects. No glossary is found; the lexical material is either extracted from the glossed examples or found in isolation.
Source: Aragon 2014
Author: Aragon, Carolina Coelho.
Full name: A grammar of Akuntsú, a Tupían language.
Publisher data: PhD thesis: University of Hawaiʼi at Mānoa.
Language(s): Akuntsú
Code(s): tpr-aku
Description: A reference grammar of Akuntsú. No glossary is found; the lexical material is either extracted from the glossed examples or found in isolation. Occasionally data of other Tuparían languages are cited. Contains data on the Kampé dialect of Mekéns.
Source: Arakin 2000
Author: Аракин, В. Д.
Full name: Большой норвежско-русский словарь. Издание 3-е, исправленное. Т. I-II.
Publisher data: Москва: Живой язык.
Language(s): Norwegian, Bokmål
Code(s): grm-bok
Description: Huge Russian-Norwegian dictionary (more than 200,000 forms), with a brief grammatical sketch of Norwegian by M. I. Steblin-Kamenskij.
Source: Arikapú et al. 2010
Author: Arikapú, Mamoa; Nazaré Arikapú; Hein van der Voort
Full name: Vocabulário Arikapú-Português.
Publisher data: Cadernos de Etnolingüística. Monografias, 1.
Language(s): Arikapú
Code(s): ndh-ari
Description: A not particularly extensive dictionary of Arikapú. The entries are sometimes accompanied by usage examples.
Source: Armbruster 1965
Author: Armbruster, Charles Hubert
Full name: Dongolese Nubian: A Lexicon.
Publisher data: Cambridge University Press.
Language(s): Dongolawi
Code(s): nub-dng
Description: A thorough dictionary of the Dongolawi dialect, following up on an earlier exemplary grammar of Dongolawi by the same author.
Source: Arnold et al. 2009
Author: Arnold, Irene; Thoman, Rick; Holton, Gary
Full name: Tanacross learners' dictionary: Dihthâad Xt'een Iin Aanděg' Dínahtlǎa'.
Publisher data: Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Language(s): Tanacross
Code(s): pca-tcb
Description: An English-Tanacross dictionary. The preliminary version of 2006 is available on-line.
Source: Authier 2009
Author: Authier, G.
Full name: Grammaire kryz (langue caucasique d'Azerbaïdjan, dialecte d'Alik).
Publisher data: Leuven/Paris: Peeters.
Language(s): Kryts, Alyk
Code(s): lez-kra
Description: A grammar of the Alyk dialect of Kryts.
Source: Avanesaŭ 1964
Author: Аванесаў, Р. І. [рэд.]
Full name: Нарысы па беларускай дыялекталогii [Sketches of Belarusian dialectology].
Publisher data: Мiнск: Навука и тэхнiка.
Language(s): Belarusian, Turov
Code(s): slv-tur
Description: A description of Belarusian dialects.
Source: Backstrom 1992
Author: Backstrom, Peter C.; Radloff, Carla F.
Full name: Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan. Volume 2: Languages of Northern Areas.
Publisher data: SIL International.
Language(s): Burushaski, Yasin; Burushaski, Hunza
Code(s): bur-yas; bur-hnz
Description: SIL sociolinguistic survey of a group of languages in the Pakistan area. Includes a 210-item wordlist for all three Burushaski dialects, compiled by Peter C. Backstrom.
Source: Bailey 1975
Author: Bailey, David A.
Full name: Abau Language Phonology and Grammar. Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages, Vol. 9.
Publisher data: Ukarumpa: SIL.
Language(s): Abau
Code(s): seu-abu
Description: Detailed description of Abau phonology, including phonetic and phonological notation and a thorough description of the language's tonal system. The accompanying "grammar" mainly consists of a theoretical introduction, executed in the "tagmemic" paradigm, and is of little use.
Source: Baird 2008
Author: Baird, Louise
Full name: A grammar of Klon: a non-Austronesian language of Alor, Indonesia (Pacific Linguistics #596).
Publisher data: Canberra.
Language(s): Klon, Bring
Code(s): alo-kln
Description: A descriptive grammar of the Klon language (mostly based on the Bring dialect), supplemented with a glossary.
Source: Balg 1887
Author: Balg, G. H.
Full name: A Comparative Glossary of the Gothic Language, with especial reference to English and German.
Publisher data: Mayville, Wisconsin.
Language(s): Gothic
Code(s): grm-got
Description: A complete dictionary of Gothic, covering the entire text corpus and explicitly listing most of the attestations of individual words; includes extensive etymological notes.
Source: Barnard 1985
Author: Barnard, Alan
Full name: A Nharo wordlist, with notes on grammar.
Publisher data: Durban: University of Natal.
Language(s): Naro
Code(s): kho-nar
Description: A classified vocabulary of Naro, highly detailed and including the results of the author's own field research as well as data compiled from earlier sources. Unfortunately, the source is not very reliable due to poor quality of transcription.
Source: Bartholomae 1904
Author: Bartholomae, Chr.
Full name: Altiranisches Wörterbuch.
Publisher data: Strassburg: Verlag von Karl J. Truebner.
Language(s): Avestan
Code(s): irn-ave
Description: A comprehensive Avestan and Old Persian dictionary with short etymological notes.
Source: Bartoli 2002
Author: Bartoli, M. G.
Full name: Il Dalmatico: Resti di un'antica lingua romanza parlata da Veglia a Ragusa e sua collocazione nella Romània appennino-balcanica.
Publisher data: Roma: Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana.
Language(s): Dalmatian
Code(s): rom-dlm
Description: The main source of our knowledge about Dalmatian. Comprises not only Bartoli's own notes, but also notes made by other scholars of Dalmatian (G. Cubich, A. Zonca, P. Petris, A. Adelmann, M. Celebrini, A. Ive and T. Burada) and data from ancient Dalmatian manuscripts.
Source: Beachy 2005
Author: Beachy, Marvin Dean
Year: 2005
Full name: An overview of Central Dizin phonology and morphology. MA thesis.
Publisher data: Arlington: University of Texas.
Language(s): Dizi
Code(s): diz-dzi
Description: Detailed description of the phonology and morphology of the Central variety of Dizi. Appendices include a nearly complete Swadesh wordlist for Dizi, reworked from the earlier wordlist by M. L. Bender.
Source: Beam & Cridland 1970
Author: Beam, Mary S.; Cridland, A. Elizabeth
Full name: Uduk-English Dictionary.
Publisher data: University of Khartoum.
Language(s): Uduk
Code(s): kom-udu
Description: A very detailed and informative dictionary of the Uduk language, with illustrative examples and thorough prosodic notation of each entry.
Source: Beaton 1968
Author: Beaton, A. C.
Full name: A Grammar of the Fur Language.
Publisher data: Khartoum.
Language(s): Fur
Code(s): fur-fvr
Description: An older description of Fur (structured almost as a real manual, with exercises etc.), less phonetically accurate than recent sources but very well illustrated with lexical data.
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