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 Source Author Year Full name Publisher data Language(s) Code(s) Description Link
Stevenson 2005Stevenson, Roland C.
Dictionary of Katcha.Ms.Katchakad-katOn-site annotation: "The dictionary is based on a typescript deriving from the papers of Roland Stevenson and was typed by Andrew and Janet Persson of SIL. Editing and formatting by Roger Blench. Tones not marked."
Stevenson 2009Stevenson, Roland C.
Tira and Otoro: Two Kordofanian Grammars. Ed. by Thilo C. Schadeberg.Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.Utoro; Tirohei-uto; hei-tirGrammars of two Heiban languages, compiled by R. C. Stevenson based on his own fieldwork in the Nuba Mountains, in 1942 and 1943 respectively. Both grammars include extensive illustrative material, examples of texts, and short glossaries with paradigmatic information on lexemes.
Stirtz 2012Stirtz, Timothy
A grammar of Gaahmg, a Nilo-Saharan language of Sudan.Utrecht: LOT.Gaamjeb-gaaDetailed grammatical description of Gaam, well illustrated with lexical and syntactic examples.
Stokhof 1975Stokhof, W. A. L.
Preliminary Notes on the Alor and Pantar Languages.Canberra: Australian National University.Abui, Atimelangalo-ati117-item wordlists for various languages of the Alor and Pantar islands, collected during Stokhof's fielworks 1972, 1974. Includes Abui Atimelang (p. 53) and Abui Makadai (p. 54) wordlists.
Story & Naish 1973Story, Gillian L.; Naish, Constance M.
Tlingit verb dictionary.Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska.Tlingitnde-tliEnglish – Northern Tlingit and Northern Tlingit – English verb dictionary, illustrated by examples and accompained by a grammar sketch.
Story 1999Story, Robert
Kʼuǀhaːsi Manuscript. Ed. by Anthony Traill.Khoisan Forum Working Paper No. 13.ǀHaasikwi-haaFull reproduction of the brief wordlist, grammar notes, and phrases in the ǀHaasi language as recovered from Robert Story's original manuscript of 1937; accompanied with extensive notes by A. Traill, including noteworthy considerations on how to interpret Story's phonetic notation.
Suleymanov 2003Сулейманов, Н. Д.
Агульско-русский (диалектологический) словарь [N. D. Suleymanov. Aghul-Russian (dialectological) dictionary].Махачкала.Aghul, Proper; Aghul, Koshanlez-agp; lez-agkAn Aghul-Russian dictionary of ca. 5000 entries, containing data on the Tpig sub-dialect of the proper Aghul dialect (the siglum "т.") and the Arsug, Burshag, Khudig sub-dialects of the Koshan dialect (the generic siglum "к."); entries without a siglum are common Tpig-Koshan; illustrative examples are normally from Tpig.
Talibov & Gadzhiev 1966Талибов, Б. Б.; Гаджиев, М.
Лезгинско-русский словарь [B. Talibov, M. Gadzhiev. Lezgi-Russian Dictionary].Москва.Lezgi, Gyunelez-lzgA Literary Lezgi-Russian dictionary of ca. 28 000 entries, supplemented with a grammar sketch by B. Talibov.
Talibov 2007Талибов, Б. Б.
Будухский язык [The Budukh Language].Москва.Budukhlez-bdkA descriptive grammar of Budukh supplemented by sample texts.
Tanaka 1978Tanaka, Jiro
A San Vocabulary of the Central Kalahari: Gǀǀana and Gǀwi Dialects.Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa.ǀGui; ǀǀGanakho-gwi; kho-ganAs of now, the only representative dictionary of both ǀǀGana and ǀGwi, unfortunately, marred by extremely poor quality phonetic transcription, reducing it to the status of an auxiliary source.
Thelwall 1977Thelwall, Robin
A Birgid vocabulary list and its links with Daju..In: Gedenkschrift Gustav Nachtigall 1874-1974. Ed. by H. Gansl\-mayr & H. Jungraithmayr. Bremen, pp. 197-210.Birgidnub-birThe only available wordlist for the extinct Birgid language, collected by the author in December 1969.
Thelwall 1978Thelwall, Robin
Lexicostatistical relations between Nubian, Daju and Dinka..In: Etudes Nubiennes. Colloque de Chantilly, 2-6 Jui\-l\-let 1975, Kairo, pp. 265-286.Kadaru; Debrinub-kad; nub-debThis comparative paper includes wordlists on several varieties of Nubian, including two Hill Nubian languages, Kadaru and Debri, data on which is taken by the author from the unpublished manuscripts of R. C. Stevenson.
Thelwall 1981aThelwall, Robin
The Daju Language Group. Systematic Phonetics, Lexicostatistics and Lexical Reconstruction.School of Humanities of the New University of Ulster. D. Phil.Logorik; Caning; Sila; Nyala; Lagowa; Nyalgulguledaj-log; daj-can; daj-sil; daj-nyl; daj-lag; daj-nygThe single most detailed historical-comparative analysis of the Daju languages so far, based almost exclusively upon the author's own field data. Contains a list of Proto-Daju lexical reconstructions together with the comparative data from attested languages, as well as lexicostatistical wordlists.
Thelwall 1981bThelwall, Robin
Lexicostatistical Subgrouping and Lexical Reconstruction of the Daju Group.In: Proceedings of the First Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, Leiden, September 8-10, 1980. Ed. by Thilo C. Schadeberg and M. Lionel Bender. Dordrecht/Cinnaminson: Foris Publications, pp. 167-184.Logorik; Caning; Sila; Nyala; Lagowa; Nyalgulguledaj-log; daj-can; daj-sil; daj-nyl; daj-lag; daj-nygA companion piece to Thelwall 1981a, presenting the main conclusions of that work in condensed form, and also including a large comparative lexical wordlist for Daju languages that is slightly different from the data in Thelwall 1981a.
Thelwall 1983aThelwall, Robin
Meidob Nubian: Phonology, Grammatical Notes and Basic Vocabulary.In: Nilo-Saharan Language Studies. Ed. by Lionel M. Bender. Michigan: East Lansing, pp. 97-113.Midobnub-midBased on the author's own field research in 1979. Contains a 218-item wordlist.
Thelwall 1983bThelwall, Robin
Twampa phonology.In: Nilo-Saharan Language Studies. Ed. by Lionel M. Bender. Michigan: East Lansing, pp. 323-335.Udukkom-uduBrief sketch of Uduk (= Twampa) phonology, well illustrated by lexical examples from the author's own fieldwork; may be used as an additional control source.
Tian 1986Tian Desheng; He Tianzhen; Chen Kang
Tǔjiā yǔ jiǎnzhì [A brief description of the Tujia language].Minzu chubanshe.Tujia, Dianfang; Tujia, Tanxituj-dia; tuj-tanA phonetical and grammatical description of Northern and Southern Tujia, represented by Dianfang and Tanxi subdialects respectively. Accompanied with a large vocabulary.
Tiendrébéogo 1998Tiendrébéogo, Beatrice
Rapport Sociolinguistique sur la Langue Bobo Madaré.SIL/ANTBA.Bobo, Southern Madaréwmn-bobA sociolinguistic report on the different varieties of Bobo, accompanied with 230-item wordlists drawn from 8 different subdialectal varieties of Bobo.
Traill 1973Traill, Anthony
"N4 or S7": another Bushman language.In: African studies, 32 (1), pp. 25-32.ǂHoanhoa-hoaFirst published notes on the ǂHoan language, containing a small lexical list collected by the author. Transcription quality is somewhat poor compared to J. Gruber's subsequent research.
Traill 1994Traill, Anthony
A !Xóõ dictionary.Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.!Xóõtaa-xooA large dictionary of the !Xóõ language, including detailed paradigmatic information; based on one of the most detailed and professional investigations of a Peripheral Khoesan language, and an "anchor-type" source for the study of the South Khoisan family in general.
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