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Total of 496 records 25 pages

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Source: Winfield 1929
Author: Winfield, W. W.
Full name: A Vocabulary of the Kui Language (Kui-English).
Publisher data: Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press.
Language(s): Kui
Code(s): gku-kui
Description: Comprehensive and fairly accurate (for its epoch) dictionary of Kui. Based primarily on the Gumsur-Udayagiri dialect, but with notes on deviating forms in several other dialects (Barma, Phulbani, etc.).
Source: Wolf 2010
Author: Wolf, Katharina
Full name: Une enquête sociolinguistique parmi les Am\-dang (Mimi) du Tchad. Rapport Technique.
Publisher data: SIL International.
Language(s): Amdang
Code(s): fur-amd
Description: A sociolinguistic survey of the Amdang language, including 227-item wordlists collected from speakers in four different villages.
Source: Wuras 1920
Author: Wuras, C. F.
Full name: Vokabular der Korana-Sprache. Herausgegeben und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehen von Walther Bourquin.
Publisher data: Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.
Language(s): !Ora
Code(s): kkh-kor
Description: A small vocabulary of !Ora; transcription quality is notably less reliable than in Meinhof's monograph, but the source is important for including some material not attested by Meinhof, as well as independently confirming some of Meinhof's data.
Source: Xiang 1992
Author: Xiang Rizheng
Full name: Hàn-Miáo cídiǎn (Xiangxi fangyan) [Chinese-Miao vocabulary (Xiangxi dialect)].
Publisher data: Chengdu: Sichuan minzu chubanshe.
Language(s): Hmong, Western Xiangxi
Code(s): hmo-xxi
Description: A large dictionary of the Xiangxi dialect, accompanied by a brief sketch of Xiangxi phonology.
Source: Xu Lin 1984
Author: Xu Lin
Full name: Bái yǔ jiǎn zhì.
Publisher data: Beijing: Minzu yinshuachang yinshua.
Language(s): Bai, Jianchuan; Bai, Jianchuan; Bai, Dali; Bai, Bijiang
Code(s): bai-jch; bai-dli; bai-bij
Description: A grammatical description of the Bai language, accompanied with a large glossary for three Bai dialects: Jianchuan, Dali, and Bijiang.
Source: Yang 2004
Author: Yang Zaibiao
Full name: Miáoyǔ dōngbù fāngyán tǔyǔ bǐjiào (A comparison of the Eastern dialects of the Miao language).
Publisher data: Beijing: Minzu chubanshe chuban faxing.
Language(s): Hmong, Western Xiangxi; Hmong, Eastern Xiangxi
Code(s): hmo-xxi; hmo-xxe
Description: A comparative description of several dialects of Western and Eastern Xiangxi Hmong, including a large comparative vocabulary for three Western and three Eastern Xiangxi locations.
Source: Yigezu 2001
Author: Yigezu, Moges
Full name: A comparative study of the phonetics and phonology of Surmic languages..
Publisher data: Ph.D. thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Language(s): Narim; Didinga
Code(s): srm-nrm; srm-did
Description: Detailed study containing both descriptive data on most known Surmic languages and a historical-comparative study of the two main branches of Surmic (Southeast and Southwest Surmic). Includes a comparative etymological corpus and a 312-item comparative wordlist on ten languages, mostly collected by the author himself (Narim, Tennet, Didinga, Murle, Baale, Chai, Mursi, Me'en, Koegu, Majang). For many of these languages, the work still remains the best source of original data, despite occasional inaccuracies and misprints.
Source: Yip 2004
Author: Yip, May
Full name: Phonology of the These language.
Publisher data: In: Occasional Papers in the Study of Sudanese Languages, 9, pp. 93-117.
Language(s): Tese
Code(s): tem-tes
Description: The only officially published source specifically devoted to Tese, this is a sketch of the language's phonological system, richly illustrated by lexical data.
Source: Yoder 2008
Author: Yoder, Zachariah; Hannelová, Katarína; Otronyi, Linus
Full name: A Summary of the Sociolinguistic Survey of the Bakor languages of Cross River State, Nigeria.
Publisher data: SIL International. 24 September 2008.
Language(s): Nkem; Abanyom; Efutop; Nde; Nselle; Nta; Nkum; Nnam; Ekajuk
Code(s): eko-nkm; eko-abn; eko-efu; eko-nde; eko-nse; eko-nta; eko-nku; eko-nna; eko-eka
Description: Web-document; Appendix A contains a large comparative wordlist of the "Bakor" languages of the Ekoid group.
Source: Young & Clewer 1985
Author: Young, G. V. C.; Clewer, Cynthia R.
Full name: Faroese-English Dictionary.
Publisher data: Mansk-Svenska Publishing Co. Ltd.
Language(s): Faroese
Code(s): grm-far
Description: Mid-size dictionary of the Faroese language, well illustrated with syntactic examples and useful notes on semantics.
Source: Yukawa 1987
Author: Yukawa, Yasutoshi
Full name: A classified vocabulary of the Nkoya language.
Publisher data: Tokyo: MEIKEI Printing Co., Ltd.
Language(s): Nkoya
Code(s): bnl-nka
Description: Brief thematic vocabulary of the Nilamba language without any accompanying grammar description.
Source: Zhang 1990
Author: Zhang Yongxiang
Full name: Hmub diel cif dieex (hveb qeef dongb). [Miao-Chinese vocabulary (Qiandong dialect)].
Publisher data: Guizhou minzu chubanshe.
Language(s): Hmong, Qiandong
Code(s): hmo-qia
Description: A large dictionary of the Northern Qiandong dialect, accompanied by a brief sketch of Qiandong phonology.
Source: Zhang 2006
Author: Zhang Jun
Full name: A Phonological Study of the Tujia Language.
Publisher data: Ph. D. thesis, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Language(s): Tujia, Duogu; Tujia, Boluo
Code(s): tuj-duo; tuj-lux
Description: A detailed description of the phonological system of Tujia, including comparative analysis of the Northern language, represented by the Duogu subdialect, and the Southern language, represented by the Boluo subdialect. Includes a huge comparative vocabulary for both subdialects.
Source: Zhirov & Ekba 1956
Author: Жиров, Х. Д.; Экба, Н. Б. (ред.)
Full name: Русско-абазинский словарь. Ответственные редакторы: Х. Д. Жиров и Н. Б. Экба. [Russian-Abaza dictionary. Ed. by Kh. D. Zhirov, N. B. Ekba]..
Publisher data: Москва: Государственное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей.
Language(s): Abaza
Code(s): wcc-abz
Description: A 30,000 item dictionary; also contains a brief grammar sketch of Abaza.
Source: Ziervogel 1955
Author: Ziervogel, Dirk
Full name: Notes on the language of the eastern Transvaal Bushmen.
Publisher data: In: The disappearing Bushmen of Lake Chrissie, ed. by E.y E. F. Potgieter. (Hidding-Currie publications of the Uni\-versity of South Africa, no 1.). J L van Schaik. Pretoria, pp. 34-64.
Language(s): ǀǀXegwi
Code(s): kwi-xeg
Description: A sketch of ǀǀXegwi phonology and grammar, accompanied by two illustrative texts, but no separate lexical glossary.
Source: Zoega 1910
Author: Zoëga, Geir T.
Full name: A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic.
Publisher data: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Language(s): Norse, Old
Code(s): grm-ono
Description: This is basically just a condensed version of [Cleasby & Vigfusson 1874], containing no additional data; references are provided merely for completeness' sake, and consulting the glosses is sometimes useful for determining the most basic and frequent meanings of a particular word.
Total of 496 records 25 pages

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