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Na-Dene family: Athapaskan group (19 lists) :

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Build treei

This feature allows to generate a graphic representation of the supposed genetic relationships between the language set included in the database, in the form of a genealogical tree (it is also implemented in the StarLing software). The tree picture also includes separation dates for various languages, calculated through standardized glottochronological techniques; additionally, a lexicostatistical matrix of cognate percentages can be produced if asked for.

The tree can be generated by a variety of methods, and you can modify some of the parameters to test various strategies of language classification. The pictures can be saved in different graphic formats and used for presentation or any other purposes.

Database descriptioni

This option displays the full description for the selected database, including:
(a) the complete list of primary and secondary bibliographical sources for the included languages, including brief descriptions of all titles;
(b) general notes on said languages, e. g. sociolinguistic information, degree of reliability of sources, notes on grammatical and lexical peculiarities of the languages that may be relevant for the compilation of the lists, etc.;
(c) details on the transcription system that was used in the original data sources and its differences from the UTS (Unified Transcription System) transliteration.

Highlight phonetically similar itemsi

This option, when checked, uses a set of different color markers to highlight groups of phonetically similar words in different languages with the same Swadesh meaning.

Phonetic similarity between two different forms is defined in the GLD as a situation in which the aligned consonants of the compared forms (usually the first two) are deemed «similar» to each other. In order for two consonants to be «similar», they have to belong to the same «consonantal class», i.e. a group of sounds that share the same place and a similar manner of articulation. The current grouping of sounds into sound classes can be found here.

Accordingly, the aligned forms undergo a process of «vowel extraction» (all vowels are formally assumed to belong to «class H», together with «weak» laryngeal phonemes), and the individual consonants are then converted to classes, e. g. dogTK, drinkTRNK (in comparisons, only the first two consonants will be used, so, actually TR), eatHT (word-initial vowel is equated with lack of consonant or «weak» consonant), flyPR (l and r belong to the same class) and so on.

If both of the first two consonants of the compared forms are found to correlate, i.e. belong to the same class, the words are deemed similar (e. g. English fly and German fliegen both have the consonantal skeleton PR). If at least one differs, the words are not deemed similar (e. g. English toothTT and Old Norse tɔnnTN, although they are etymological cognates, will not pass the similarity tense because of the second position).

In most cases, checking this option will highlight phonetically similar forms that are also etymological cognates and share the same numeric cognation indexes. Occasionally, however, the checking will also yield «false positives» (accidentally phonetically similar forms that do not share a common origin) and «false negatives» (phonetically dissimilar forms, not highlighted, but actually cognate). It should be noted that one should never expect this method to yield a 100% accurate picture of etymological cognacy. Rather, the method is useful for the following goals: (a) assess the amount of phonetic change that took place between related languages; (b) give a general idea of the degree of closeness of relationship for those languages where phonetic correspondences have not yet been properly established; (c) assess the average number of «chance similarities» that may arise between different languages.

The last task is particularly instructive if the «Highlight...» option is used between two different languages from different databases, i.e. not related to each other or distantly related: in most cases, it will yield around 2-3 accidental color highlights, but occasionally, the count may go as high up as 5 or 6.

Show all notesi

This option unfolds all of the notes that accompany the individual forms in the database. Sometimes these notes only consist of a basic reference to the bibliographical source, but at other times, they can be quite expansive, which makes browsing through the wordlist quite cumbersome. By default, the notes stay hidden (each note can also be opened separately by clicking on the sign next to the word).

Number: 1
Word: all
Hupa E G: ʔah=tʼiŋ 1 
Mattole E G:
Kato E G: ɬe-neʔ-haʔ ~ ɬe-ne-haʔ 2 
Taldash Galice E G: kʰʷai 3 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: ɬu-qʼu 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: ɬu-qʼu 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: tʼančʼ-qʼu 4 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: ɬu-qʼu 2 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: cʰikʸ-ceʔ 5 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: cʰikʸ-ceʔ 5 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: hážõ̀ː 6 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: ʔàrì-yúné ~ ʔàrì-yóné 7 
Tanacross E G: xú=né=l=tʼèh 8 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: ɬa=h=tθʰaɣŋʔ 5 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: tǝ=tθʰǝk-cʼǝnʔ 5 
Central Carrier E G: c̪ʼiya-i 9 
Koyukon E G: tǝ=ƛʰǝk-cʼǝnʔ 5 
Degexit'an E G: yʊ=χʊʒ ~ yǝ=χʊʒ 10 
Sarsi E G: ƛʰà-á-tʼá-à 11 
Number: 1
Word: all
Hupa E G:
Mattole E G:
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G: ɬu-qʼu 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Central Ahtena E G:
Mentasta Ahtena E G:
Dogrib E G:
North Slavey (Hare) E G:
Tanacross E G:
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G:
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G:
Central Carrier E G:
Koyukon E G:
Degexit'an E G:
Sarsi E G:
Number: 2
Word: ashes
Hupa E G: xoŋʔ-tin ~ xoŋʔ-tiŋ 1 
Mattole E G: tˈi=l=pai 2 
Kato E G: kʰʷoːŋʔ-tǝŋ 1 
Taldash Galice E G: ɬ=cʼas 3 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: kʼǝ=lac-a 4 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: kʼǝ=lačʼ-a 4 
Inland Tanaina E G: kʼǝ=lač-a 4 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: kʼǝ=lačʼ-a 4 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: ɬeːc ~ qʰonʔ=leːc-eʔ 4 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: ɬeːc ~ qʰonʔ=leːc-eʔ 4 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: ɬè-mpè 4 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: liéʔ 4 
Tanacross E G: kʰónʔ=ɬ̬ěːʒ-ʔ 4 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G:
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: lac ~ kʰʊnʔ=lac-aʔ 4 
Central Carrier E G: ɬez 4 
Koyukon E G: ɬaːc 4 
Degexit'an E G: tθʰaːɢ=ɬaːc ~ tθʰaːqǝ=ɬaːc 4 
Sarsi E G: cʰítà=kù=ƛʰìs-àʔ 5 
Number: 3
Word: bark
Hupa E G: possr=sicʼ 1 
Mattole E G:
Kato E G: čʰǝn=sǝc 1 
Taldash Galice E G: possr=šiː 2 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: kʼ=tʼičʼ-a 3 
Inland Tanaina E G: kʼ=tʼičʼ-a 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: kʼ=tʼičʼ-a 3 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: possr=la=tʼuːc-eʔ 3 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: possr=la=tʼuːc-eʔ 3 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: wé=tʼìː 3 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: possr=tʼúw-éʔ 3 
Tanacross E G: čʼè=làː=cʼèy̥ 4 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: θɯh 5 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: possr=lʌ=tʼuc-aʔ 3 
Central Carrier E G: possr=la=tʼuz 3 
Koyukon E G: possr=loː=tʼuːc-ǝʔ 3 
Degexit'an E G: possr=loː=tʼeːʒ 3 
Sarsi E G: possr=čʼút-ɒ̀ʔ 6 
Number: 4
Word: belly
Hupa E G: possr=mitʼ 1 
Mattole E G: possr=pˈiʔɬ 1 
Kato E G: possr=pǝtʼ 1 
Taldash Galice E G: possr=paiʔ 1 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=pǝtʼ 1 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=pis 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: possr=vǝtʼ 1 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: possr=vǝtʼ 1 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: possr=petʼ ~ possr=peʔt 1 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: possr=pet 1 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: possr=mpò 1 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: possr=pé-ʔ 1 
Tanacross E G: possr=cʰǎːŁ-ʔ 3 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: possr=cʰaːŁ-ʔ 3 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: possr=bǝt 1 
Central Carrier E G: possr=pʌt 1 
Koyukon E G: possr=pǝt 1 
Degexit'an E G: possr=vǝt 1 
Sarsi E G: possr=mìʔ 1 
Number: 5
Word: big
Hupa E G: =kʰʸah 1 
Mattole E G: =ɕʰaːɣ 1 
Kato E G: =čʰaɣ 1 
Taldash Galice E G: =čʰah 1 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: =ɬ=kʰuʁ 1 
Inland Tanaina E G: =ɬ=kʰuʁ 1 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: =kʰʸaːχ 1 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =kʰʸaːχ 1 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: =čʰà 1 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: =šà 1 
Tanacross E G: čʰòx 1 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: čʰoh 1 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: čʰʊx 1 
Central Carrier E G: čʰo 1 
Koyukon E G: =kʰoːχ 1 
Degexit'an E G: čʰʊχ 1 
Sarsi E G: =čʰɒ̀ːw ~ =čʰɒ́w 1 
Number: 5
Word: big
Hupa E G:
Mattole E G:
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: kʰaʔa 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: čʰǝχ 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Central Ahtena E G: kʰʸeʔe 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: kʰʸeʔe 2 
Dogrib E G:
North Slavey (Hare) E G:
Tanacross E G:
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G:
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G:
Central Carrier E G:
Koyukon E G:
Degexit'an E G:
Sarsi E G:
Number: 6
Word: bird
Hupa E G: kʼʸi=yaːʍ 1 
Mattole E G: ʔi=yˈaːx 1 
Kato E G: tʼa-kʰʷiliːŋ 2 
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: qaqa-sla 3 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: qaqa-šla 3 
Inland Tanaina E G: čʼ=qaqa-šla 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: qaqa-šla quya 3 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: qaːqi 3 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: cʼe=qaːqa 3 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: čʰĩ́-ã́ 4 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: ʔṍ=kʼài 5 
Tanacross E G: cʰú-kàːy 6 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: cʼe=h=tʼuːdn 7 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: cʰuya 5 
Central Carrier E G: tʌtʼai 8 
Koyukon E G: saːn̥=qaːqǝ-ʔ 3 
Degexit'an E G: qaːɢ-kʼǝʒ 3 
Sarsi E G: ì=cʼɒ́ɣ-ɒ́ ~ i=cʼaɣ-a 9 
Number: 7
Word: bite
Hupa E G: =xacʼ 1 
Mattole E G: =kič 2 
Kato E G: =kǝc 1 
Taldash Galice E G: =teh 3 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: =ʁǝs 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G: =ʁaš 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: =ʔaːɬ 4 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =ʔaːɬ 4 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: =té 3 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: =kʼà 4 
Tanacross E G: =ʔéɬ 5 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: =ʔaɬ 5 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: =ʔʌɬ 5 
Central Carrier E G: =ɬ=čʼuɬ 6 
Koyukon E G: =l=kuc ~ =ɬ=kuc 7 
Degexit'an E G: =tǝʂ 8 
Sarsi E G: =ʔɒ̀ɬ 5 
Number: 7
Word: bite
Hupa E G:
Mattole E G:
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G:
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Central Ahtena E G:
Mentasta Ahtena E G:
Dogrib E G:
North Slavey (Hare) E G:
Tanacross E G:
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G:
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G:
Central Carrier E G:
Koyukon E G:
Degexit'an E G: =tǝc 7 
Sarsi E G:
Number: 7
Word: bite
Hupa E G:
Mattole E G:
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G: =ʁač 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Central Ahtena E G: =ʔaːƛʼ 4 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =ʔaːƛ 4 
Dogrib E G:
North Slavey (Hare) E G:
Tanacross E G:
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G:
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: =ʔʌƛ 4 
Central Carrier E G:
Koyukon E G:
Degexit'an E G: =ʁʊʂ 2 
Sarsi E G:
Number: 8
Word: black
Hupa E G: =ʍin 1 
Mattole E G: =xin 1 
Kato E G: =šiːnʔ 1 
Taldash Galice E G: =šan 1 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: =l=tʼicʼ 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: =l=tʼǝš 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: =ƛʼǝčʼ 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: =ƛʼǝčʼ 3 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: =l=tʼuːcʼ 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =l=tʼuːc 2 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: =zṍ 1 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: =l=zèn-è 1 
Tanacross E G: tà=t=s̬ẽy̥ 1 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: ta=t=sãy 1 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: =t=ƛʼǝc 3 
Central Carrier E G: =ɬ=kʌs 4 
Koyukon E G: =ƛʼǝc 3 
Degexit'an E G: =ƛʼǝc 3 
Sarsi E G: =s=kɒ̀š 4 
Number: 9
Word: blood
Hupa E G: cʰeː=liŋ ~ cʰeː=lin 1 
Mattole E G: possr=cʰeː=lˈin-eʔ 1 
Kato E G: seː=lin 1 
Taldash Galice E G: taɬ 2 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: tǝl 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: ku=ta=ɬ=tʰin 3 
Inland Tanaina E G: kʰa=ta=ɬ=tʰin 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: kʰa=ta=ɬ=tʰin 3 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: tel 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: tel 2 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: possr=tòː 2 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: poss=tél-éʔ 2 
Tanacross E G: tèɬ 2 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: taɬ 2 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: tǝɬ 2 
Central Carrier E G: possr=u=s̪=kʰai-ʔ 4 
Koyukon E G: lǝ=qʰoː-n-ǝ 4 
Degexit'an E G: tǝɬ 2 
Sarsi E G: possr=tíƛ-ɒ̀ 2 
Number: 10
Word: bone
Hupa E G: possr=cʼinʔ ~ possr=cʼiŋʔ ~ possr=cʼin-eʔ 1 
Mattole E G: possr=cʼˈin-eʔ 1 
Kato E G: cʼǝŋ 1 
Taldash Galice E G: cʼan 1 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=cʼǝn ~ possr=cʼǝn-a 1 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=ʁǝs 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: possr=cʼǝn 1 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: possr=cʼǝn 1 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: cʼen 1 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: cʼen 1 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: possr=kʼʷõ̀ː 1 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: possr=wʼén-éʔ 1 
Tanacross E G: tθʼèn̥ 1 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: tθʼan̥ 1 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: tθʼǝn̥ 1 
Central Carrier E G: possr=c̪ʼʌn 1 
Koyukon E G: ƛʼǝn̥ 1 
Degexit'an E G: tθʼǝn̥ 1 
Sarsi E G: possr=cʼín-ɒ̀ʔ 1 
Number: 11
Word: breast
Hupa E G: possr=tʼah-tiy-eʔ 1 
Mattole E G: possr=cʼoː-ʔ 2 
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=mamʔa 3 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=mamʔa 3 
Inland Tanaina E G: possr=mamʔa 3 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: possr=mamʔa 3 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: possr=paː-ʔ 4 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: possr=tʼuːʔ 5 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: possr=tʼòː 5 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: possr=tʼák-éʔ 6 
Tanacross E G: possr=cèh-čʰíː 7 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: possr=ceh-tadn 7 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: possr=ay̥-tǝ-ɣʌn-aʔ 7 
Central Carrier E G: possr=ci-kʼʌt 7 
Koyukon E G: possr=coːʁ-ǝ 7 
Degexit'an E G: possr=oːɢ 7 
Sarsi E G: possr=cʼūw-ɒ̀ 2 
Number: 12
Word: burn tr.
Hupa E G: =lit 1 
Mattole E G: =kʼaŋʔ 2 
Kato E G: =lǝt 1 
Taldash Galice E G: =tat 3 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: =qʼǝn 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: =qʼǝn 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: =qʼǝn 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: =qʼǝn 2 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: =qʼaːn 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =qʼãː 2 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: =kʼṍ 2 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: =kʼõ̀ 2 
Tanacross E G: =kʼãː 2 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: =kʼãː 2 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: =kʼʌn̥ 2 
Central Carrier E G: =ɬ=kʼʌn 2 
Koyukon E G: =ɬ=qʼoːn̥ 2 
Degexit'an E G: =qʰʊnʔ 4 
Sarsi E G: =s=kʼɒ́n- 2 
Number: 12
Word: burn tr.
Hupa E G:
Mattole E G:
Kato E G:
Taldash Galice E G:
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G:
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Central Ahtena E G:
Mentasta Ahtena E G:
Dogrib E G:
North Slavey (Hare) E G:
Tanacross E G: =kʼén-ʔ 2 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: =kʼan-ʔ 2 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G:
Central Carrier E G:
Koyukon E G:
Degexit'an E G:
Sarsi E G:
Number: 13
Word: claw (nail)
Hupa E G: possr=laʔ=kʰʸeʔcʼ 1 
Mattole E G: possr=laʔ=ɕʰˈeʔs 1 
Kato E G: la=čʰaht-e 1 
Taldash Galice E G: possr=kan-yo-ʔ 2 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=lu=qǝn-a 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: possr=lu=qǝn-ʔa 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: possr=lu=qǝn-a 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: possr=lu=qǝn-ʔa 2 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: possr=la=qan-eʔ 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: possr=la=qan-ʔ 2 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: possr=lá=kõ̀ː 2 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: possr=là=kón-éʔ 2 
Tanacross E G: possr=ìn=làː=kẽ̌y-ʔ 2 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: possr=laː=kãy-ʔ 2 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: possr=lʌ=kʊn-aʔ 2 
Central Carrier E G: possr=la=ki  2 
Koyukon E G: possr=ǝn=loː=qun-ǝʔ 2 
Degexit'an E G: possr=loː=qǝŋ ~ possr=leː=qǝŋ 2 
Sarsi E G: possr=la=kɒn-a 2 
Number: 14
Word: cloud
Hupa E G: ʔah 1 
Mattole E G: ʔah 1 
Kato E G: ah 1 
Taldash Galice E G: ʔak 1 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G: qʼǝs 2 
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G: qʼǝs 2 
Inland Tanaina E G: qʼǝs 2 
Iliamna Tanaina E G: qʼǝs 2 
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: qʼos 2 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: qʼos 2 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: kʼóh 2 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: kʼò 2 
Tanacross E G: kʼòθ 2 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: kʼoh 2 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: kʼʊθ 2 
Central Carrier E G: kʼʷʌs̪ ~ kʼʷʌs 2 
Koyukon E G: yoː=qʼuɬ 2 
Degexit'an E G: qʼʊθ 2 
Sarsi E G: nà=kʼús 2 
Number: 15
Word: cold
Hupa E G: =qʼacʼ 1 
Mattole E G: =kʼac 1 
Kato E G: =tʰǝn 2 
Taldash Galice E G: =kʼeʔ 3 
Upper Inlet Tanaina E G:
Outer Inlet Tanaina E G:
Inland Tanaina E G: ǝ=ži 4 
Iliamna Tanaina E G:
Common Tanaina notes:
Central Ahtena E G: =qʼacʼ 1 
Mentasta Ahtena E G: =qʼac 1 
Common Ahtena notes:
Dogrib E G: =kʼò 1 
North Slavey (Hare) E G: =kʼà 1 
Tanacross E G: n=éː=kʼètθ 1 
Upper Tanana (Tetlin) E G: =kʼat 1 
Lower Tanana (Minto) E G: =kʼʊtθ 1 
Central Carrier E G: =kʼʌz̪ 1 
Koyukon E G: ǝ=cuː 5 
Degexit'an E G: =qʼʊtθ 1 
Sarsi E G: =V=kʼɒ́s 1 
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